The American Oligarchy Moral decline of America, a soft, - TopicsExpress


The American Oligarchy Moral decline of America, a soft, benevolent dictatorship, some call it despotic oligarchy ... We are fundamentally changing, it’s been coming for decades but it is more noticeable now because we have Internet, wireless devices, pocket size encyclopedias encapsulating libraries around the world, and instant access to real news around the globe. We see how the mainstream media has become the spokesperson for the ruling elites, corruption rules the day, and education is melting in the flames of common core. We are no longer a Constitutional Republic because we failed to keep it. We are a benign oligarchy composed of same party rule of the few oligarchs, no matter how we vote at the polls. The oligarchs do as they please. Oligarchy is a “form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique; it is government by the few.” Nations ruled by oligarchies do not fare well, whether they are benign oligarchies or absolute tyrannies. Newly elected politicians sign worthless pledges to constituents which they immediately break on the first day of Congress, joining those they swore to defeat and corruption is epidemic with all politicians, new or expert octopuses with tentacles strangling the heart of the republic. The oath of office is just a meaningless step to power. We go about our daily lives; we go to work, shopping, to the movies, to parties, and watch surreal “reality TV” and sports while our country continues to fall apart. Nobody understands the insurmountable debt accumulated by Congress that is looming over our futures. Like the Roman Empire, America is waning because of the corruption of our leaders We still have food, we are fat thanks to food additives and a sedentary lifestyle, we are lulled into a false sense of security, we have a warm place called home, some have jobs, some have 2-3 part-time jobs, the welfare checks keep rolling in, what is there to worry us? We are like the declining Roman Empire—America is waning because of the corruption of our leaders which we elect time and time again. The average American does not really care right now. But the day to day contentment will change during their lifetime because of millions and millions of illegal aliens brought into the country by this administration. Their children will exist in a third world state riddled with poverty, illiteracy, crime, welfare, shortages, and equal and deplorable penury. Most people are not feeling the change in their lives, but “fundamental change is in the air” and coming at dizzying speed. We still have freedom of religion, although some “religions” are catered to more by government laws and regulations, forcing the rest of us to accept a “religion” that is contradictory to our Judeo-Christian values, lest we are sued or killed. Christianity is constantly under attack around the world and at home. We have to self-censor or pay the penalty of hate-speech. The United Nations wants to codify into law a punishment for anyone who dares to criticize the very violent “religion of peace.” canadafreepress/index.php/article/68916
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 01:57:44 +0000

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