The American People Sent A Clear Message To Washington And It - TopicsExpress


The American People Sent A Clear Message To Washington And It Wasnt: Compromise With Barack Obama Or Work With Barack Obama To Get Stuff Done. ... The American People Sent You To Washington To Stop Barack Obama... PERIOD! Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh said it best: How can you govern with a president that disobeys the Constitution? How can you govern with a president that is demonstrably lawless when he thinks he has to be? The answer to Rushs rhetorical question is, you cant! At some point, our elected officials will also have to come to the inescapable conclusion that BARACK OBAMA IS THE PROBLEM. He will not work with Congress to get things done ... he will not compromise with Congress. With Barack Obama, its either his way or the highway and if our elected officials choose the former, only then will the liberal media hallelujah choir proclaim that theyre truly compromising and working to get things done. And were not the only ones who have made that observation: Center For Individual Freedom Erick Erickson with RedState observed: As the reality of a Republican wave became imminent... a dangerous narrative began to take hold among the conservative talking heads on cable news and in the victory speeches of the victorious Republicans. The narrative was that now that the Republicans have control of both chambers of Congress, it is incumbent upon them to work with Obama and the other Democrats in the service of getting things done and fixing the broken system. Center For Individual Freedom Limbaugh added: The Republican Party was not elected to fix a broken system or to make it work. The Republican Party was not elected to compromise. The Republican Party was not elected to sit down and work together with the Democrats. The Republican Party was not elected to slow down the speed the country is headed to the cliff and go over it slowly. Center For Individual Freedom Conservative activist Gary Bauer stated: Likewise Republicans shouldnt fall into the trap of trying to resuscitate so-called comprehensive immigration reform. ... In the days ahead, there will be a lot of talk about compromise and cooperation in Washington. Let President Obama make the first move by dropping his plans for a mass executive amnesty. Its clear. The liberal media and the Washington elites are trying to spin the message that the American people just sent to Washington beyond human comprehension, but patriotic Americans like you have the power to fight this phony narrative and the time to stop Obama is now -- before he irrevocably changes America. Did Obama Really Give The American People The Bird? Senator Ted Cruz called it right when he said that the era of Obama lawlessness is over. Make no mistake, thats the message that the American people sent to Washington and, if you agree, then youre not alone. Center For Individual Freedom Erickson again: If voters really wanted people who would work closely with Obama and other Democrats to get things done, they would have just voted for more Democrats. ... Say what you want about the information level of the average voter, but absolutely no one was confused into thinking that they were replacing a Democrat with a Republican in the hopes that the Republican would be more friendly to the Democrat agenda. Center For Individual Freedom Limbaugh essentially said the same thing: If they [the American people] wanted you to work with the Democrats, you wouldnt have won. If they wanted the Republicans to work with the Democrats and to help the Democrats accomplish more, they would have just elected the Democrats. Center For Individual Freedom Cruz went on to say: It is incumbent on Republicans to stand up and lead. ... You know, the fact that the people rose up and voted the Democrats out of power doesnt necessarily mean they trust the Republicans. Theyve given us another chance. But weve got to earn that trust, and the way to earn that trust is to listen to the priorities of the people. Its time for our elected officials to start earning some trust. Its time for them to be bold because Barack Obama is NOT afraid to be bold. When he mounted the stage and proclaimed that Congress either send an acceptable amnesty bill to his desk, or he WILL issue a dictatorial and unconstitutional amnesty decree, he wasnt pushing half-measures or painting with pale pastels. Even liberal media personalities couldnt believe what they were hearing: Center For Individual Freedom NBCs Chuck Todd said that Obama is going to know that if he does this, he is starting a political war... Center For Individual Freedom CNNs Candy Crowley: If he makes a major move along the lines of what weve been hearing... that would be like just popping a grenade and throwing it in the middle of the Senate floor. Center For Individual Freedom But The National Journals Ron Fournier said it best, After this repudiation, acting on immigration by fiat would be the political equivalent of literally flipping the country the bird. Even liberals know that Obama is bold as brass. Its time for Republicans to be just as bold. From: EAGLE RISING Center for Individual Freedom
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 23:07:54 +0000

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