The American People are frustrated with the collapes of the middle - TopicsExpress


The American People are frustrated with the collapes of the middle class and have correctly identified a majority of there desperity on the wealthiest Americans, or even wealthiest foreigners for that matter. The wealthiest of the wealthy have long been taking away much needed tax dollars for public safety, education, roads, pensions, healthcare, and just about any other infrustructure one could imagine. They have been given extravagent tax loops holes, back door deals, payed elections, and diminished the very escence of democracy. The upper echelon cannot be indicted, or even kept honest. There is clearly no limit to the amount of treason, lies, embezlement, murder, hipocrasy, violation of human rights or number of wars that they can procure. There should be a special section in the DSM-V just for these character disorders. Sociopathy is too kind of a definition to describe the tyrranical behavior of these elitists delegating our food supply, water, fuel, electricity, media, freedom, and often, our very lives. The Koch Brothers, Berkshires, Bilderbergs, Chevron, Mobile, BP, Monsanto, General Electric, and any number of large corporations have controlled the political past and future of America and the rest of the world. Since the begining of civilization and the token economy system. Centralized control of commodities has long been a tool of the wicked and corrupt. Deregulation, privatization, embezelment, strong arming, monopolizing, and money laundering seem to be almost an acceptable behavior by society. While the majority of humanity is struggling just to feed their families, provide shelter, have a means of transportation, have health care and live a meaningful life and maybe even a pension after thirty, forty, or even fifty years of working to sustain an existance in an unsustainable existance because of the putrid greed of these elitists. They are the rot at the core of society. However, the gate keepers are the true failures in the American Political, Legal, and Financial systems. I would like to put these gate keepers on notice one by one as there are so many cowards, liars, and reptiles in the regulating bodies of our society that need to be addressed. The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) has the responsibility of righting the wrongs of high level threats to the United States, but has failed to take action against those that undermine the very core of democracy and the Constitution. You monitor our communications, keep files on our every move and even our life styles. You base every United States citizens level of threat on a number of intrusive and inappropriates criteria. Many tax payers dollars have been wasted on the Us DOJ for the purpose of monitoring the general public all the while knowing who is really destroying our country. Whether this is because you fear the upper echelon, are being payed to look the other way, or are just failing by design, I do not know, But you have failed you country to a point that is no longer tolorable or acceptable. You are on notice, DO YOUR JOB! United States Supreme Court Justices, you are an insult to the very thought of justice. Allowing GMO Giants such as Monsanto to poison the people, being seen in public colaborating with corrupt politicians, and letting large corporations literally get by with murder are just a few of the indiscretions of the Supreme Courts. Maybe the name Superior Court should be changed to INERIOR COURT. This system is broken and corrupt and needs to change their ways. You are on notice, DO YOU JOB! Federal Trade Comission (FEC) and Securities Exchange Commission as well as regulatory bodies of the banking industries. You have turned you backs and the middle class and the poor by letting the Corporations and banking industries become the true ruling class of the United States Political System. Because of you negligence, the entire world financial system is imploding. You have had many opportunities to right these wrongs yet refuse to do so. You are the cornerstone of true free trade and income equality, yet you have sold your souls to the elite. In truth, these regulatory bodies can increase progress and the US GDP if utilized as they were intended to be. They can also create a true form of capitalism that keeps the American dream alive. You are on notice. DO YOU JOB! The United States Military Industrial Complex has been wasting FIFTY ONE PERCENT OF EVERY TAX PAYER DOLLAR. The current occupation of OVER ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY NATIONS has had an exausting effect not only on our economic system, but on our sons and daughters. It is estimated that five hundred thousand troops are suffering from PTSD just from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars alone. We have not even provided sustainable treatment for veterans of WWII, Vietnam, or the Korean War, not to mention many others. The invasion and occupation of nations all over the world HAS NOT MADE US SAFER, but has created contempt, new enemies, and isolated American from the world community. Most of the lands we have stepped foot on with military force are still occupied to this day. having said that, I do not believe an exit strategy was ever intended. Most of these occupations have nothing to do with nation security of the safety of our citizens and everyhting to do with emperialism and the procurement of natural resources. It is a shame that the most powerful military force in the world has become a tax dollar paid pirate to harvest free resources for United States Corporations. The Generals, Secetaries of defense, and the DOD are funded with the tax payer dollars of the middle class to continue this unsustainable act of tyrrany, greed, and treason against their very soldiers as well as the rest of fellow Americans is unacceptable. What really needs to happen is to create a strong domestic defense instead of trying to dictate the rest of the world. Democracy cannot be beaten into other cultures and societies, it needs to be wanted and grown from within their own countries, just as the history of the United States demonstrated in the fight for our own independence from oppression. You are on notice. DO YOUR JOB! NSA, FBI, CIA and the Secret Service, you have long been organizations of non transparency and have invaded the very right to privacy, liberty and the right to pursue happiness. Secretely monitoring American citizens as well as humans abroad, you are an ever lingering shadow of opression and threat to the First Ammendment as well as many other Constitutional rights expressed by our forefathers. You have failed to seek the truth and prosecute the very people that are destroying our civil liberties a little more every day. For all of your training, knowledge, technology, and resources, you refuse to take a stand against the individuals that are causing the decline of not only Western Civilization, but Civilization as a whole. There is no excuse and it is entirely unxeceptable that you refuse to investigate and prosecute the most evil, corrupt, and greedy sector of humanity. The refusal to use you abilities is in direct conflict with the very ideas this nation was built upon. Your enforcement of the laws of this nation have been selective and incongruent with the very idea of justice for too long. Allowing bankers, corporations, and otherwise wealthy individuals to go unprosecuted for their acts of treason against the United States is an act of treason in and of itself. You are on Notice. DO YOUR JOB! FEMA was alledgedly created to provide assistance for US Citizens in need durring natural disasters as well as other large scale emergencies. The American Public has been lied to about the true intentions of FEMA and how FEMA has systematically consolidated and created a system of Executive Orders to completely take over every level of goverment including Congress, The Judicial System, The Federal Government, state governments, and local governments, the Department of Transportation, Department of Education, Department of health, ALL banking institutions (private and federal) energy, food, water, and every other function or resource of American Society. With a single declaration of the President, FEMA can SUSPEND THE CONSTITION and detain US Citizens without the opportunity to file a writ of Habeus Corpus or a single phone call. Our property can be seized and redistributed on the whim of these Executive Orders and most Americans have no idea this could happen to any one of them without a warrant and without merit. The ability to supercede the US Government is diturbing, frightening, and unexceptable. This is clear treason against the United states and threatens the very ideas and intentions of the Constitution. It undermines the sacrifces of our forefathers and soldiers that have given their lifes to defend our freedom. You are on notice. This atrocity of government needs a serious ratification with a clearer set of boundaries and transparency so as to protect the very fabric of freedom and democracy. DO YOUR JOB! Main Stream and the Federal Communications Commission have long been bias towards the most elite sector of Amercian Society. Television, news papers, magazines, and many other forms of communication have been commercialized and controlled by a handful of people in order to indoctrinate the public in lies, half truths, and otherwise misleading information. People now have to look to alternative sources of communication to receive true information and knowledge that would otherwise remain unknown to the public. Demonizing teachers, police, fire fighters, healthcare providers, Social Security, Medicare, and many other valuable functions is one of the most horrible bastards of a modern society and is clearly one of the primary steps in achieving fascism. When the media lies to the American people in order to supress the activities and intentions of the wealthiest people in society, democracy and true capitalism have failed. A democracy needs an educated society to flourish. Suppression of true journalism is yet another act of treason and a crime against the people of the United States. Your recent attempts to supress the right to free expression and the sharing of knowlegde through the Internet via ACTA and SOPA are unexceptable and unforgivable. You are on notice. DO YOUR JOB! There are many other entities I would like to address in this editorial, but I just dont have the time. Americans are being lied to abused, stold from, poisoned, unlawfully detained, and put in harms way for no other reason than to line the already deep pockets of the wealthiest of the wealthy. I AM NOT A COMMUNIST. I AM NOT A SOCIALIST, I BELIEVE IN TRUE DEMOCRACY, I BELIEVE IN FREE TRADE AND CAPITALISM AS IT WAS TRUELY INTENDED, I BELIEVE IN MY COUNTRY, I AM A PATRIOT EVEN THOUGH A HOLD CONTEMPT FOR THE CORRUPTION THAT HAS EMBEDDED ITSELF IN EVERY FACET OF AMERICAN SOCIETY. AMERICA, YOU ARE ON NOTICE.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 01:07:05 +0000

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