The American Secretary of State was a woman in her late sixties, - TopicsExpress


The American Secretary of State was a woman in her late sixties, neither thin nor fat, with blondish gray hair that always wanted washing. She sat in a tall backed plush white chair in a room filled with state department officers and national security advisers. On a large television screen the size of the wall was the image of several Arab and Indonesian men. They sat at a long table in what appeared to be a cave. Several young men with semi-automatic rifles and machine guns could be seen in the background. “No, I do not think we can discuss an end to the attacks Madame Secretary,” one of the men, an imam with a long white beard spoke. “Not with the risk of grievous blasphemy still possible from America.” “Sir, on behalf of the American people I want to apologize for that disgusting video.” The men looked at each other. “What video?” The Secretary of State now turned to look at the national security adviser. The man shrugged. “The video that,” she began then paused, “Forgive me sir, the one that shows Mohammed naming a donkey the first Moslem.” It began slowly. The bursts of chuckles became coughs, then all of the men were doubled over in laughter. When they finally got control over themselves the old man spoke as he wiped his eyes.” “It’s a joke right? You think that’s what caused the riots and the attack on your embassy?” Suddenly the old man became serious. “There is a man in America, a science fiction writer by the name of Godsfavor Quick.” “I’m sorry sir, I’ve never heard of him.” “You will. He writes stories about another universe. He claims in this Mythos of his that Allah is not God, that there is a higher God, the so called Man in the Wind or Philip Walls.” The Secretary stared wide eyed. “This is what you are going to do American Secretary of State. No word, no story, no line, no email, no Facebook posting, no Facebook message, that contains this Mythos or any mention of Philip Walls will be allowed to escape your country. This means that any social media that contains the so called Philip Mythos will be quarantined, totally.” “And if I do this?” The old man spread his hands. “No more attacks. Think it over” The transmission was suddenly cut. “I can’t believe this,” the Secretary said bewildered, “He was acting like this Philip Walls was a real person. He’s just a myth right?” The national security adviser stared for a few seconds. “That’s not entirely accurate Madam Secretary.”
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 23:40:44 +0000

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