The American people are understandably curious about Barack Obamas - TopicsExpress


The American people are understandably curious about Barack Obamas appointment of political hack Ron Klain as his Ebola Response Coordinator. So exactly who is Ron Klain and how can Obama be so blithely indifferent to criticism of the Klain appointment? Klain joined the Clinton presidential campaign in 1992 and, upon joining the White House staff in January1993, was put in charge of overseeing Clintons judicial selections. In that capacity, he led the effort to win Senate confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. During the 2000 election campaign he served as general counsel for Al Gores Florida recount committee. As such, he was up to his eyeballs in the scheme to get the Democrat-dominated Florida Supreme Court, which had absolutely no jurisdiction in the matter, to order recounts in only the four most heavily Democrat counties in the state. He also played a role in the cynical effort to have county election board officials across Florida invalidate the absentee ballots of overseas military personnel on minor technicalities related to date stamps and delivery dates. In 2011, in spite of concerns that the solar-panel company Solyndra was not a viable investment, Klain played a major role in getting Obama to visit the Clermont, California facility, even though he was aware that, if Obama visited 10 such green energy plants during the next 10 months of his campaign, a few of them would go belly-up by Election Day. Nevertheless, Obama sunk more than $500,000 of the taxpayers money into Solyndra... all of it lost to bankruptcy. Why would Obama make such an appointment when Klain has absolutely no background in medicine and wouldnt know the difference between Asian flu and Ebola? We have only two choices: either Obama is completely tone deaf, politically, or he has a hidden agenda and simply doesnt care what anyone thinks of him as he pursues that agenda. In an October 19 editorial for the New York Post, writer Michael Goodwin suggests that, (I)t will take a miracle worker to restore Obamas credibility. While there are many things to say about his tenure, the one thing you cannot say is that the nation trusts him. Poll after poll, on subject after subject, shows a collapse. Consistently now, a majority of Americans say Obama is not trustworthy. Most think hes a failure, many say he is incompetent, and the vast bulk... 70% in some cases... say his key policies are wrong for America. He is so unpopular that members of his own party dont want to be seen with him, lest his failures spawn a political plague. Is Obama capable of feeling shame or embarrassment? We have overwhelming evidence to the contrary. For example, during his 2008 campaign, he made the claim that he had campaigned in at least 57 states. When political commentators laughed and reminded him that the US has only 50 states, he didnt seem to care. He was not embarrassed and simply shrugged off the criticism.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 15:47:51 +0000

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