The American self-styled liberal aims at government omnipotence, - TopicsExpress


The American self-styled liberal aims at government omnipotence, is a resolute foe of free enterprise, and advocates all-round planning by the authorities, i.e., socialism. These liberals are anxious to emphasize that they disapprove of the Russian dictators policies not on account of their socialistic or communistic character but merely on account of their imperialistic tendencies. Every measure aiming at confiscating some of the assets of those who own more than the average or at restricting the rights of the owners of property is considered as liberal and progressive. Practically unlimited discretionary power is vested in government agencies the decisions of which are exempt from judicial review. The few upright citizens who dare to criticize this trend toward administrative despotism are branded as extremists, reactionaries, economic royalists, and Fascists. It is suggested that a free country ought not to tolerate political activities on the part of such public enemies. Ludwig von Mises, Liberalism: In the Classical Tradition, 1927.
Posted on: Tue, 06 May 2014 18:21:19 +0000

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