The Ancient Art Of Business That Still Works Wonders… But Most - TopicsExpress


The Ancient Art Of Business That Still Works Wonders… But Most Do Not Even Realise It Exists In today’s marketing and advertising world, we’re constantly bombarded by visual stimuli. Pictures, graphics and colourful objects that scream out for our attention. And it works. It’s effective. That’s because us humans are visual creatures. Ads that have great visuals tend to grab our attention. But that’s all they do. Grab our attention. That’s it. Nothing less, nothing more. So do visual-driven ads really work? I mean, REALLY, work? Think about this. If you run an ad, of course you want it to capture the attention of your target audience. In that sense, the visuals are great at doing that. But how about the next step? After you make your prospects turn their heads, shift their eyes and focus their attention on your ad, you need to provide them with an irresistible offer. Something they can’t refuse. Something that will compel them to scramble and contact you to make a purchase. And that’s where the visuals alone fall short. Because it’s simply not enough to introduce the desire in your prospects; the desire to make them whip out their wallets. The desire that overwhelms all doubts they may have about your product. The desire to make a purchase immediately. The truth is… visuals don’t sell. That’s why if you flip through the newspapers, most of the ads, although they look visually good, won’t compel you to buy. What if you can combine great visuals with something else that can take your ads to the next level? Something that has an almost mystical ability that induces a trance-like buying state among your prospects? Something that can bend your prospects to your will and make them do what you want (legally and ethically)? That something I’m talking about is: Mass Desire. Frankly, I’m baffled that introducing mass desire to a target audience is still a secret among most businesses and marketers. Most don’t even realise it exists. Actually, this technique has been around for a long, long time. In 1928, Edward Bernays (known as the father of public relations) released a book called ‘Propaganda’. Although the title has a negative connotation, the idea behind it is valid. The book shares many techniques to introduce mass desire to a group of people. One of the case studies featured in his book is about a women’s cigarette smoking campaign in the 1920s. At the time, women smoking in public was a huge taboo in society. They were only allowed to smoke in designated areas, or not at all. Violating the rules would result in arrest. Bernays used psychological and emotional triggers to stage an uprising of sorts. His campaign focused on bringing out hidden desires among women to have equal rights as men. At the end of the campaign, more women were lighting up in public than ever before. Society was forced to change the rules, or risk a public backlash. From then on, women smoking in public became socially acceptable. Can you see how powerful mass desire can be? It even has the power to cause a momentous change in society. Imagine if you apply it to your business… you’ll be flooded with sales. Period. You’ll enjoy exponential success. Your growth will be explosive. This is one of the most powerful ability any entrepreneur / business owner must have. As you might have known, I’ve built million-dollar businesses within just 1 year, from scratch… part-time. I’ve also dominated certain niches within a very short period of time. I’ve achieved all these by using the power of Mass Desire. In fact, do you remember when the iPod was first launched? It was Mass Desire at its best. Or the Hello Kitty toys from McDonald’s that got people queuing up for hours, even during ungodly times of the day. That’s Mass Desire at work. And also Tim Ho Wan, the dim sum place that is packed to the brim even during off-peak hours. Mass Desire in action. Those examples are the exceptions to the rule. For some reason, techniques to harness mass desire have been largely lost in the annals of time. Most ads these days are superficial and visual-driven; completely lacking the ability to create a rabid, uncontrollable desire in the market. This can be tremendous opportunity for you. Because if you master the ancient art of creating mass desire, you’ll be doing what your competitors are not. You’ll be gaining a significant advantage over them. You’ll be dominating your market in no time. And the great news is, mass desire can be created in almost any market! So start thinking of ways to introduce mass desire to your marketing and advertising. Integrate it with stunning visuals to create the ultimate ad experience that will make your product irresistible. The bottom line is: Without mass desire your business will languish. With mass desire your business will boom. It’s that simple, it’s that powerful. I’ll be sharing some powerful techniques on how you can create mass desire in your market in the next few posts. Look out for them. Useful? “Share” it so others will benefit as well. “Like” fb/santqiu for more powerful business and marketing tips.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 12:00:00 +0000

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