The Angel of Death came to the Prophet Mohammed(saws) and asked - TopicsExpress


The Angel of Death came to the Prophet Mohammed(saws) and asked him you are given a choice to live in this world forever or to die. The Prophet Mohammed replied but the high friend, but the high friend meaning that he would rather be in the company of Allah. When the Prophet Mohammed died, Omar could not bear the fact that he was dead so Abo Baker said to the congregation that whomever worships Mohammed, Mohammed is dead. And whoever worshiped Allah, Allah is alive, he does not die. Allah(SWT) says in the Quran that every soul will taste death in one Ayah, in another Ayah Allah Almighty tells the Prophet Mohammed that you are dead and they are also. If someone claims that they know for a fact someone is going to heaven besides the people that the Prophet Mohammed had mentioned, They are claiming they know the news about the unseen world and no one knows anything about the unseen world except Allah. This is very dangerous thinking. Anyone claiming that is putting themselves in harms way. Either they claim they had revelation come to them from Allah, or they made themselves prophets. Judging if someone in the grave is in heaven they also putting themselves in harms way and they judged about the kingdom of Allah that he is the ultimate judge knowingly and unknowingly they have made themselves a God. This is very dangerous thinking and I want you to be aware of those who are making that claim. I ask Allah to guide us to the straight path and keep us together united for his sake. I recently had a brother visit a graveside to ask and make Dua as intercession. I just want everyone to be aware of this kind of preaching where it can easily, no matter how good of a Muslim you are, take a person and make them lose everything that they have done for the sake of Allah. This is how the devil works his ways through us, making us think that we are doing good when in fact were being misguided. I hope this helps everyone, didnt mean for it to be so lengthy but I felt it is very important. I love our community and want them to be united forever, May Allah forgive me for my shortcomings. Ameen.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 22:06:42 +0000

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