The Ankh cross on Mars - YouTube - TopicsExpress


The Ankh cross on Mars - YouTube https://youtube/watch?v=zezP5dQieww The planet Mars continues to prove a treasure trove of ancient civilization artifacts for Mars anomaly researchers who have gone far beyond NASA scientists’ quest for lowly microbial life on the planet to unearthing in truckloads evidence of ancient cultures they solemnly aver once flourished on the now desolate planet. The latest find by Mars anomaly researchers comes from the YouTube researchers “Mars Moon Space Photo Zoom Club.” The Mars Curiosity photo that reveals the latest find is shown below. The original NASA photo may also be viewed here. Amazing Statues Depicting Life On Mars Revealed By NASAs Curiosity Rover UFO Sightings Daily’s Scott Warren, said, “The cross stands out greatly from its environment with evenly round sides.” According to Mars anomaly hunters, Earth archaeologists are unable to appreciate the significance of most Mars anomalies because they are trained to assess remains of ancient cultures only a few thousand years old. Unlike Earth’s archaeological sites, Martian archaeological remains are millions of years old and thus have undergone more extensive erosion and degradation. Besides, Martian civilization was wiped out by a nuclear explosion. The evidence supporting the assertion that Mars was the theater of a nuclear holocaust millions of years ago comes from the US plasma physicist and propulsion technologies expert Dr. John Brandenburg, who obtained his physics PhD from the University of California, Davis. NASA Chief says there is Life on Mars - THE EVIDENCE In his paper, “Evidence of Massive Thermonuclear Explosions in Mars Past, The Cydonian Hypothesis and Fermi’s Paradox,” presented at the 2014 Annual Fall meeting of the American Physical Society Prairie Section in Monmouth, Illinois, and published in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Brandenburg provided what he considered evidence that an ancient Mars civilization was wiped out by nuclear bombs detonated on the surface of the planet by an advanced alien race. In the abstract of the paper, Brandenburg argued that analysis of imaging data suggests that multiple mixed fusion-fission explosions devastated an ancient civilization that once existed on Mars. “Analysis of recent Mars isotopic, gamma ray, and imaging data supports the hypothesis that perhaps two immense thermonuclear explosions occurred on Mars in the distant past… “Analysis rules out large unstable ‘natural nuclear reactors,’ instead, data is consistent with mixed fusion-fission explosions…” The physicist said that analysis of images from NASA orbiters reveals evidence of eroded archaeological remains, such the site that yielded the latest Ankh cross. “Analysis of new images from Odyssey, MRO and Mars Express orbiters now show strong evidence of eroded archaeological objects at these sites. “Taken together, the data requires that the hypothesis of Mars as the site of an ancient planetary nuclear massacre must now be considered. Fermi’s Paradox, the unexpected silence of the stars, may be solved at Mars.” According Brandenburg, an alien race that detests “young noisy civilizations” detonated two nuclear bombs equivalent to at least 1 million megaton hydrogen bombs at two sites on the planet, wiping out two civilizations, the Cydonians and the Utoptians. Cydonia coincides with the area where a NASA orbital craft spotted the famous human “face on Mars.” Map Showing The Two Major Sites Where Nuclear Bombs Were Detonated On Mars In a 2011 interview, Brandenburg noted that the red color of the surface of Mars provides additional evidence of a nuclear device explosion. Further evidence that Mars was the theater of a nuclear holocaust was obtained by NASA using gamma ray spectrometry which detected uranium and thorium fallout of powerful nuclear blasts. He also pointed to the high concentrations of Xenon-129 in the planet’s atmosphere recently detected by NASA’s Mars Odyssey spacecraft. The spikes in Xenon-129 levels in Mars atmosphere are comparable to what is observed on Earth in areas that have experienced a nuclear disaster, such as Chernobyl in 1986. The latest discovery has sparked a lively discussion among Mars anomaly researchers who continue to say that the relics are evidence of an ancient civilization and culture that flourished on the planet millions of years ago. A viewer, who agrees that the rover image reveals an Egyptian Ankh cross, said: “Exactly as stian grønås says. It’s clearly an ankh.” Another said: “A place of worship or a shrine.” A third observed: “Looks like building foundations behind it as well.” But some were skeptical. “At first I agreed it was a cross but when I looked at original it just looked like an indentation on right… just a slight hole… I think we are seeing more into it… but I am impressed the animal skull with maybe a blade in it.” Read more at inquisitr/1774690/curiosity-rover-photo-reveals-ancient-egyptian-ankh-cross-evidence-of-ancient-mars-culture/#X4go0E7bOxZAcEay.99
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 23:56:19 +0000

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