The Anointing Fall On Me The anointing was for consecration; it - TopicsExpress


The Anointing Fall On Me The anointing was for consecration; it meant Separation and it had everything to do with serving the Lord. The first mention of oil being poured on something was used on the stone by Jacob in Gen. 28:18; he called it the house of God. In Gen. 35:14 he again poured oil with a drink offering on the stone, in typology this speaks of Christ. The anointing with oil was a symbol of endowment with the Spirit of God. In the Old Testament the custom of the Jews to anoint with oil was to set apart Kings and Priests 1 Sam. 10:1,6; 16:13. It was for serving in the office to which a person was consecrated to (Lev. 8). It was a physical symbol consecrating them to service, showing they were appointed by God. In the Bible we find anointed places and objects (Exodus 29:36 anointed altar. Ex 30:26 anointed tabernacle and ark. All these were set apart for use in religious service, and for nothing else.) These are all types of ministry and service. In the New Testament it is people, living temples that God has the anointing dwell in and on. The word “anointing” appears 23 times in the Old Testament, various words used are “anoint”, “anointest” “anointed” it is used over 150 times in the whole Bible. The Hebrew “mishchah” or “moshchah” it is derived from the primitive root “mashach” that often means to “smear or spread a liquid.” In the Old Testament two elements that were present in worship were blood and oil. The blood was for cleansing and the oil was used for anointing. All these like the other elements used, are types and symbols of Christ. The tabernacle, the feasts are all typology of Christ. Exodus 30: 31-33 “And thou shall speak unto the children of Israel, saying, this shall be an holy anointing oil unto me throughout your generations. Upon mans flesh shall it not be poured, neither shall ye make any other like it, after the composition of it: it is holy, and it shall be holy unto you. Whosoever compounds any like it, or whosoever puts any of it upon a stranger, shall be cut off from his people.” Israel was prohibited from making this oil for use in anything else but what it was intended for, it was not be as a common ointment, the punishment for doing this was excommunication. Nor were they to put it on the flesh of someone they did not know, because it was sacred and separate for those in service and ministry. They were not to take the oil of one and put it on another, it was “holy unto you.” Oil was also used as a medication for the sick, and liniment for bodily pain (Isa.1:6). It was still used as a symbol for miraculous healing by the 12 sent out from Jesus (Mark 6:13). James uses oil in chpt.5 with the Old Testament model except they prayed in the name of the Lord. It was used for physical cleansing and the references to anointing as part of ordinary washing are numerous, in the Old Testament and New Testament. Ruth 3:3 as an expressive of joy. Ps. 23:5; Heb. 1:9; the disuse of oil could indicate grief (2 Sam. 14:2; Ps. 92:10; Dan. 10:3). The figurative use of this word anoint (chrio) is in reference to the Holy Spirit upon the individual (Luke 4:18; Acts 4:27; 10:38). Only God anoints with the Holy Spirit (Heb 1:9; 2 Co. 1:21) because it is who God appoints and qualifies someone for a special function or calling. When Priests, kings, and prophets were anointed the Oil was poured on the head of the person being anointed (Ex. 29:7). Kings were consecrated through the ceremony of anointing this was performed by a prophet. The Old Testament also records two instances of the anointing of a prophet, Samuel was sent to anoint Saul (1 Sam 15:1), Elijah was to anoint Jehu 1 Kings 19:16. And he (Moses) poured some of the anointing oil on Aarons head and anointed him, to consecrate him (Lev 8:12 Lev.21:10,12), this is Psalm 133. Psalm 133:2 gives us an illustration of the anointing with typology of the high priest. “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aarons beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments; As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore” ( Ex. 25:6 29:7,30:25,31,31:11, 35:8,37:29, 39:38, 40:9, 15 and Lev.8:2 the anointing oil is on Aaron the garments and the sacrifices.) The anointing oil flowed down the hair and beard of the head Old Testament high Priest. Then onto his garments, but it did not touch the flesh. Christ is the Head of the body, He is the “anointed one” he is preeminent, anointed from the Father. From His anointing the anointing flows over the body that is under his leadership and that is dressed in Christ righteousness, because of the blood. The words “Christ” or “Messiah” means “The Anointed One.” There is no other --those who would claim a special anointing or fresh anointing from God to pass on to others are not being Biblical. We need to consider what the Biblical meaning actually is. Hebrews 1:9 “Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath ANOINTED THEE with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.” No prophet or priest was able to give another the anointing. Likewise no apostle was able to in the New Testament. Christ was the only one anointed by God the Father above all others. He had the fullness of the Spirit, where all activities and gifts were not withheld, this described in Isa.11:1-2. The anointing is on Jesus for service, so he is called Jesus Christ -the anointed one. “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him” Acts 10:38. (Acts 4:27; Heb 1:9). John uses the word anointing 3 times in Jn.2:20, and 27. The gift of the Holy Spirit is the believer’s aid, our helper to lead us in the knowledge of the truth. As the Spirit helps us to understand the truth of Jesus’ teachings we can apply it by His power who resides in us. So when someone understands His word they can apply it, walk in it and reap the benefits. This anointing that was once for kings, priests, and prophets in the Old Testament, is now for everyone who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ. What was on the outside as symbol (with oil); is now on the inside as a reality of the New Covenant. In Mark 14:8 and Luke 23:56 we see the practice of anointing the bodies of the dead. In New Testament theology those who have died with Christ are anointed, they are those who have crucified the flesh can live unto God in his power. Those who do not continually die to the flesh are unable to use the power, though its available to them like anyone else. They then do not have the victories over the world, the flesh and the Devil like they should. The anointing was also used figuratively, as Christ offered the church at Laodicea, “Anointing the eyes with eye salve”, which expressed an impartation of spiritual perception to those who needed to understand their condition (Rev. 3:18). Christ offered this to those who thought they needed of nothing, they had the blessing. When the fact was they were blind and naked. So what of today’s teaching “The anointing destroys the yoke. The anointing is the burden-removing yoke-destroying power of God.” Referencing Isa.10:27. After looking at how the yoke and anointing is used, is what we are hearing today correct? They are biblical word but are they in the biblical context? Isa. 10:27 “It shall come to pass in that day that his burden will be taken away from your shoulder and the yoke from your neck, and the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing OIL.” “ that the yoke, like the burden, will be taken away from Israel; but chubbal, that the yoke itself will snap, from the pressure of his fat strong neck against it… as a beast of draught. And this second figure is divided again into two fields. For yâsuur merely affirms that the yoke, like the burden, will be taken away from Israel; but chubbal, that the yoke itself will snap, from the pressure of his fat strong neck against it. (from Keil & Delitzsch) So many times I have heard Isa.10:27 interpreted as destroy or annihilate the yoke as if it never existed. “The anointing destroys the yoke.” But this is not the meaning. Actually the verse says: the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing oil. The Hebrew word is shemmin, which is a liquid. It is not the word Machiach, for Messiah, or Christ. In the correct context, this passage refers to Israel in their bondage to the Assyrians. One needs to read the verse before to understand. It is the promise to the nation seen in verse 24. The Lord says to His people in Zion, Do not be afraid of the Assyrian who is going to lift up their rod and staff against you like the Egyptians. It is the promise of freedom for the nation Israel’s physical captivity, not a promise to release individuals from sin or poverty. God is going to break the yoke because of His anointing on his people. This is the general anointing relating to the purpose of God. V:26 “And the LORD of hosts shall stir up a scourge for him according to the slaughter of Midian at the rock of Oreb: and as his rod was upon the sea, so shall he lift it up after the manner of Egypt.” Isaiah means to say, that the destruction of the Assyrian would be a signal and total. “after the manner of Egypt”, which clearly indicates a nation released from slavery, not an individual.V.27 says” his burden” and “his yoke” shall be taken away, whose? The Assyrians. The anointing was upon the elect nation, its prophets, priests, kings, and its holy place. As seen in Scripture, many were anointed in the pit and in the pulpit, such as Jeremiah. Israel was just as anointed in bondage as when God delivered them. Paul was just as anointed in jail as he was in his travels starting churches. You are just as anointed in your trial as you are when all is well. Pastor Dr. Devri Pratt
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 04:34:37 +0000

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