The Anti-Christ The Anti-Christ is not a person per se, but an - TopicsExpress


The Anti-Christ The Anti-Christ is not a person per se, but an ideology, or rather the succumbing to the most unscrupulous parts of self. To sell ones soul to the devil if you will. When a society becomes immoral, it is a reflection of those who inhabit it. In other words a loss of the collective moral compass. It is contrary to what is said to be the teachings of Christ. The End Times could be seen as an epic battle of direction, which path will be taken by humanity? The surveillance state is merely a symptom of totalitarianism, of control over the many by a powerful few, hence the Anti-Christ. The word control means just that, control over the reality of a persons or a peoples daily life, right down in some cases to the foods you eat, the water you drink and the air you breath. The thing about the Anti-Christ is that it hides itself in supposedly good works, something that will be a benefit to mankind. Like the spreading of democracy when nothing could be further from the truth. To change direction, to regain the moral compass is up to each individual, this would be called free will. The trick of the Anti-Christ is to muddy the waters, to cloud the minds of people, as to what choices are to be made. To present false gods that would tempt us, and use our lust, our fear, our weaknesses. Choices that would reflect the teachings of the Christ figure, choices that would make the world a better place, one without poverty, pollution, injustice, war and the like. These things are achievable, they would not constitute a utopian dream, but rather a better world to live in. A world without the Anti-Christ, (which is power and control in the hands of the few) and the ideologies that divide us. Ideologies such as race and religion, and the false god of materialism and the hoarding of wealth, as if that is all there is to life. We are born to die, it is what you do between birth and death that creates your character. If there be a judgement day or an assessment of ones life, it is the growth of ones character that will be looked into. You see we are all in the End Times, it is the one line we all try to get to the back of, but eventually we will meet our maker. Perhaps death is merely a rebirth, and in this light the end times for the living could be that also. A birth that will entail the passing of the Anti-Christ, bringing light to the dark corners where he hides. Pulling the curtain back to unveil the wizards behind what is cruel, unkind, and unjust in the world. Love with all your heart for that is the key to happiness, it is within the light of love where the Anti-Christ is vanquished and left naked...
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 13:55:48 +0000

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