The Aquarius Female Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, - TopicsExpress


The Aquarius Female Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, and is an air sign ruled by Uranus. The Aquarian lady is very much her own person, with her own mind and interests and hobbies and life. She loves to learn new things and she loves to explore life. Such interests make for an independent woman, who is rather open-minded, original and different. And rather refreshing. As curious as she is, she is open to learning about and perhaps supporting many causes. She’s a very idealistic lady who wants to see prosperity, fairness and equality for all. With her, the past is the past; it’s the future that she’s interested in. She tends to have a sunny, outgoing personality and loads of quirky charm, which easily will draw admirers and people who will be open to listening and learning about whatever cause she’s promoting on a particular day. Ms. Aquarius can be a bit blunt and perhaps too honest on occasion, but she feels that she’s doing the listener a favour by not “talking down” to them, by not telling white lies. Some people may consider her to be rude and tactless, although that’s likely not her intention. On her less-than-perfect days, she can be a bit eccentric and even elusive. She just might want to be left alone. She may be feeling a bit cranky and touchy, or even plain rebellious. Ms. Aquarius often prefers her own company, and will live her life to suit herself rather than cater to anyone else’s wishes. She can be rather opinionated and judgemental, especially if she’s very fanatical about something. Many people may consider her ways to be rather eccentric and unconventional, but she probably won’t let herself be bothered by such people. In fact, people who irritate her may find themselves facing a few cruel, cutting remarks and an abrupt dismissal. ~ In The Workplace ~ Ms. Aquarius is often a good, smart worker. As an employee, she’ll make her boss’s life easier by doing her job, and then some. She can be a great sounding board when her boss has ideas to consider or decisions to make. As a boss herself, she may think too much and do too little…but not really. By using her head, she can tend to make any job look easy, which may lead to others wondering if she really is working. Oh, she is…she just doesn’t run around like a chicken with her head cut off. While she’ll be fair to everyone, she won’t go out of her way for people who annoy her. ~ Friends ~ As friendly and sweet as she seems, Ms. Aquarius doesn’t let just anyone get too close. She’ll have plenty of pleasant acquaintances, but will keep her distance. Only those whom she truly likes and accepts will be able to get close to her. When she finds such friends, she’ll be loyal to them for a lifetime, even if she doesn’t see them every single day. ~ In Love ~ Ms. Aquarius is such an idealistic lady that what she thinks she’d like for a love life may not be very realistic, but she’s not the type to settle for less than she wants. If that means she stays single, well, she won’t mind that so much, as long as she has an active social life. One of the main traits that her ideal mate will have to possess is the ability to accept her as she is. And for her, true love includes true friendship above all. As long as her love life is interesting and permits her to grow as a person, she’ll be happier than if she were to be tied down to someone. ~ Marriage ~ The Aquarius lady is not especially marriage-minded, as she likes to do her own thing and live her own life, with no ties. If she does choose to settle down, she’d do best with fellow air signs Libra and Gemini, who are both rather similar to her and will understand her curious, intellectual ways. They are not very possessive, which will make her more comfortable. She may also get along well with another Aquarian, although their relationship may be more of a friendship-with-benefits rather than an intense connection. While she gets along with pretty much anyone, she may also find fiery Sagittarius much to her liking, as the Archer is also adventurous, knowledge-seeking, and is unlikely to try to drag Ms. Aquarius down. ~ Children ~ Ms. Aquarius has no objection to other people’s well-behaved children. However, she’s likely not hankering for any of her own. A mate who has older children might be a bit more interesting to her than the prospect of looking after babies. ~ And Finally ~ The Aquarian lady is a lovely, charming soul who can provide fun and interesting companionship, especially if one is open to learning and trying new things.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 19:21:48 +0000

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