The Arabs led by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and United Arab Emirates has - TopicsExpress


The Arabs led by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and United Arab Emirates has been waging a war against Nigeria since 2002 to Islamize Nigeria and annex us as part of the Islamic Caliphate of Africa in d Magreb. (ICAB) which will include Cameroon, Chad, Mali and Niger. The plot had active support and funding from late Gaddafi of Libya and Sudan. The impoverished Sahel countries of Mali, Chad and Niger accepted to belong to ICAB as a strategic goal to develop their countries with Nigerias resources. They recruited several notable Nigerians including a former minister of FCT, a former military dictator, a central bank governor, some state governors and a Moslem billioneer to link the local Boko Haram to international Islamic jihadist. They recruited militants who were trained in Libya, Sudan and Morocco to attack Nigeria in two formations: Boko Haram and the so called armed Fulani Herdsmen. These two groups kill our people so brutally because what they seek is Nigerian territory and not Nigerians. Yes if Buhari wins, the killings will stop bcos he will willingly ceed the country to ICAB and the Moslem Jihadists. We cannot afford to support a religious bigot who thinks Christians should not rule Nigeria. Nigeria needs a Leader not a self-styled Messiah. We have been liberated for so long to go back to a wicked dictator. Buhari is NOT a democrat. Nigerians Shine Ur eyes. .... Pls share this if you believe that Black Africans are entitled to freedom.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 21:45:12 +0000

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