The Argies laid the minefields They didn’t tell us where I’m - TopicsExpress


The Argies laid the minefields They didn’t tell us where I’m standing in the middle My only feeling, fear ! I wandered in whilst on patrol A Recce in the dark The Rupert said “ An easy task, A long walk in the park “ I feel so lonely standing here Afraid to move my feet I’ve made it safely this far Sinking in the peat “ DON’T MOVE ! “ shouts my mate Chalky Standing out of range A bloody stupid thing to say I do find people strange With nothing else to do My memory slips back years To months of endless training Each day would end in tears Instructors preaching lessons Of minefields in the night Of claymore mines, and nasty things That made you freeze in fright Don’t walk across a minefield Your steps will double number Just run like Hell with giant strides Less chance of blown asunder Option two’s your compass The needle holding steady Wave it out in front of you Whilst crawling on your belly Slowly, slowly, side to side The needle shouldn’t wander Until it meets a buried mass Of metal further yonder Skirt around it inch by inch Eyes fixed on the compass If it moves, a mine’s ahead Don’t want to cause a rumpus Nearly there, two yards to go A sign appears before me “This Field’s Been Cleared By Engineers ! “ It’s true ! I’m safe, you see ! I run across to Chalky He tells me I’m so brave He hasn’t seen the sign yet The truth I think I’ll save But Chalky didn’t make it Days later he was gone For years I’ve kept my secret Alone, and just for one So now’s the time to “ Fess up ! “ What happened back that night I was no hero Soldier Just paralysed with fright
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 00:23:26 +0000

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