The Argument of We Defend Traditional Marriage to Protect Vital - TopicsExpress


The Argument of We Defend Traditional Marriage to Protect Vital Interests in the Welfare of Children, Families, and Society. I just cant grasp what people could possibly be thinking with this? If you can actually give me an answer that makes sense well props to you...What Exactly are the vital interests being protected? Are they afraid if they appear to accept it more people will be gay, and well all stop having babies? If it was Acceptance that makes people gay, how in the name of god did i turn out gay being surrounded and raised in a state like Utah....with the morally and spiritually superior Do they really think that having someone bury their true feelings and fake a normal life by going on a mission, marrying, having really the most healthy situation...for both kids and parents? All that seems to do is destroy lives and families. It seems to me that the only thing they are truly protecting is the Suicide rates of LGBTQ Kids trying to figure out their path in life. I dont know this Jesus guy, but it seems to me he talked more about love and acceptance.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 00:31:48 +0000

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