The Arkansas Democrat Gazette reported today the results of the - TopicsExpress


The Arkansas Democrat Gazette reported today the results of the voter ID law, otherwise known as the Voter Suppression Act of 2013, on the May 20th primary elections in Arkansas. This scam was perpetrated on the legitimate voters of Arkansas by the Republican-controlled, right-wing dominated Arkansas State Legislature. The intent of the law was to prevent voter fraud. The fact that there hasnt been a prosecuted case of voter fraud in Arkansas for at least 20 years was not an issue for the republicans. As Gov. Mike Beebe put it, a solution looking for a problem. In reality, the problem is people who vote for Democrats. The republicans, in AR and elsewhere, have figured that if they can cut the number of Democratic votes by a few percentage points statewide, they will win. Always. Of course that means denying citizens their Constitutional right to vote. But if youre unethical, dishonest, and not interested in fair and honest elections, thats not a problem. Congratulations AR republicans. You win. Now go look at yourself in the mirror and say you support Democracy and the Constitution of the United States. Of the 1000 absentee ballots cast, 3/4 of those rejected were cast by Democrats.* In Mississippi county, of the 172 ballots cast, 3 were permitted. 169 were rejected. ALL 169 were Democratic.* In the seven Delta counties that border the Mississippi River, 444 rejected ballots were Democratic. Compared to 13 that were republican. 13 republican votes were rejected. Four Hundred and Forty Four Democratic votes were rejected.* St. Francis county - 109 of the 110 ballots rejected were Democratic voters. ONE republican.* Crittenden county - 94 out of 98 disqualified ballots were Democratic.* Jefferson county - 90 ballots were disqualified. 69 were cast by Democrats.* Around 1,036 legal, registered voters were denied the Constitutional right to vote on May 20, 2014. That all by itself should cause alarm among ALL of us. But what makes this FRAUD so disgusting is that it is aimed at a specific group of Americans. Because of their political beliefs. Kinda like the dictatorship in Iran. Cut the Democratic vote by a few percentage points statewide and we can win. Always. Gerrymander the voting districts to favor republicans and we can win. Always. Outlaw Christianity and we can remain an Islamic state. Forever. Yeah, theres a connection if you dont stand against injustice. This isnt about pictures. Its about PRINCIPALS. Democratic principals. Free and open elections. A government for ALL the people, by ALL the people, and of ALL the people. But apparently, Arkansas republicans seem to think that the ONLY way they can win is by cheating. Rigging the elections. Destroying democratic principals. Spitting in the face of democracy. Disgusting. This will continue in the next election in November unless the ACLU wins in its lawsuit against the state. Hopefully it will. The Voter ID Law is illegal and unconstitutional. But the republicans are more concerned about winning than they are about open and honest elections. They are more concerned with Dictating THEIR point of view on the rest of us. By ANY means necessary. The Arkansas republicans are stonewalling the case, hoping to delay the court date until AFTER the November elections. After they win by cheating. These pathetic little Arkansans are truly diabolical. Most importantly, until this FRAUD, the Arkansas Voter Suppression Act of 2013, is repealed, democracy in Arkansas is dead. (*From the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, 7/27/14)
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 01:05:54 +0000

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