The Army Paratrooper Pope John Paul dies of old age and finds - TopicsExpress


The Army Paratrooper Pope John Paul dies of old age and finds himself at the gates of Heaven at 0300. He knocks on the gate and a very sleepy-eyed watchman opens the gate. Wadda ya want? Im the recently deceased Pope and have done 63 years of godly works and thought I should check in here. The watchman checks his clipboard and says, I aint got no orders for you here, just bring your stuff and well sort this out in the morning. They go to an old WWII-era barracks, 3rd floor, open bay. All the bottom racks are taken and all empty lockers have no doors. The Pope stows his gear under a rack and climbs into an upper bunk. The next morning he awakens to sounds of cheering and clapping. He goes to the window and sees a flashy Jaguar convertible parading down the clouds from the golden headquarters building. The cloud walks are lined with saints and angels cheering and tossing confetti. In the back seat sits a US Army Paratrooper, his medals glistening on his chest, a cigar in his mouth, a can of San Miguel in one hand, and his other arm around a voluptuous blonde Angel with magnificent halos. This disturbs the Pope and he runs downstairs to the Master-at-Arms shack and says, Hey, what gives? You put me, a pope with 63 years of godly deeds, in an open bay barracks, while this Trooper who mustve committed every sin known and unknown to man is staying in a mansion on the hill and getting a heros welcome. How can this be? The Master at Arms calmly looks up and says, We get a pope up here every 20 or 30 years, but weve never had a Paratrooper before.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 01:04:13 +0000

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