The Arranged Marriage - by Husna Ismail Part Eighteen Ohmy! - TopicsExpress


The Arranged Marriage - by Husna Ismail Part Eighteen Ohmy! Uthmaan!, wh whh what, I mean how, how did you? .. I mean.. He starts to laugh Come Aasiya, sit down. We are in the kitchen of the outhouse and Uthmaan has prepared lunch for us. The table is beautifully laid out with all its matching crockery. There are candles lit and placed in the middle of the table while red rose petals are spread around the candles giving it a beautiful sight to look at. Uthmaan is dressed like a chef, he looks really cute with his white chef coat and chef cap and I cant help but to stare at him. Come sit Aasiya, today we will have our first lunch together, alone. He says while keeping a chair out for me. You made all of this? I ask while looking onto the table. There is roast chicken with butternut, carrots, green peas and sweet potato, there is also some rolls and white rice. If I answered yes, would you believe me? He asks while looking deeply into my eyes. Yes I would Uthmaan he then starts to laugh. Then I better tell you the truth. No my dear innocent wife, you see, I have bought all of this at the bakery The bakery? I ask amused, he starts to laugh again. Oh Uthmaan! Your behaviour is rather odd at times I whisper softly while giving a sigh. He takes my hand into his hand Aasiya, I have made all of this while you were asleep my hand stiffens beneath his hands About that Uthmaan, I am sorry. Why are you sorry Aasiya? Because of my behaviour earlier, I put the phone off and fell asleep I say while looking down. He laughs again Oh Aasiya, how adorable you are indeed. I smile shyly and look to the table again Uthmaan, why have you lit the candles? I mean, it is still light outside And the candles .. Before I can finish what I wanted to say, he responds I find it romantic he says and it is the first time I see Uthmaan blushing. He looks even more cute when he blushes and I can see he is trying to hide it Oh Uthmaan, how adorable you are indeed I say and suddenly his eyes shoots up to meet my eyes and we both start to laugh. Uthmaan Yes he replies while holding my hand even more tight in his hand what is that smell?, like something is burning? Suddenly he jumps up Ohno! He shouts .. To be continued ...
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 18:42:43 +0000

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