The Assurance of Salvation If you recently have had the - TopicsExpress


The Assurance of Salvation If you recently have had the experiance of receiving Christ you may had times when you doubted the reality of that experience that is you may have questioned whether you were really saved. Without the real assurance of salvation as a solid foundation it is difficult for new Christian to grow and experience the deeper things of the Christian life. Nevertheless the Bible says it is possible to know absolutely unrrservedly that you are a saved prrson. How can this be? Let us read 1 John 5:13 I have written these things to you may know that you have eternal life to you who believe into the name of the Son of God. It is not that you may think not that you may hope but that you may know. We do not need to wait until we die to find out this assurance is for us to enjoy today. How can we have the assurance of salvation? There are three means. 1.God says so Our first mean of assurance of salvation is Gods word. While man word may be untrustworthy Gods word remain sure and steadfast. It is impossible for God to lie Heb 6:18 Num 23:19. Whatever God says stands firm forever Psa 119:89. What God has said is not a matter of conjecture. His word is neither vague nor intangible. It comes to us today in written form the Bible. The Bible is Gods very word inspired by him 2 Tim 3:16. We can take this word believe this word and trust this word. What then does God say about salvation. He says that the way of salvation is a person Jesus Christ John 3:16 14:6 Acts 10:43 16:31. He says that whoever believe that Jesus Christ has risen from the dead and confesses with hid mouth that Jesus is Lord is saved. Hr says that whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved Rom. 10:9-13. Have you done this have you believed in Christ and confessed openly that he is your Lord. Have you called on his name. If so you are really saved. God says so. That settles it. The Holy spirit bears witness Not only do we have Gods word outside us telling us we are saved we also have a witness inside us telling us the very same thing. What the Bible speaks to us from without the spirit confirms within. First John 5:10 says he who believes into the Son of God had the testimony in himself. Sometimes after we have received Christ we may not feel saved. Nevertheless if we check within the deepest part if our being with our spirit we will find a kind of inner witness an assurance that we are children of God. The spirit himself witness with our spirit that we are children of God Rom 8:16. If you doubt that you have this inner witness of the spirit try this simple experiment try declaring boldly I am not a child of God you find it very difficult to even whisper such a falsehood. Why because the holy spirit within you bears witness you are a child of God. Our love for the brothers is proof The third means of assurance is our love for other brothers and sister in Christ. First John 3:14 says wr know that we have passed out of death into life because we love the brothers. A saved person undoubtedly senses a kind of love for others who are also saved. You sense a desire to followship to enjoy Christ with others. This is the spontaneous result of being saved one of the clearest signs of being saved person. This love trancends the cheap selfish love of todays age . It is love that is impartial it love those who are alike and those who are different . This is the real oneness and harmony the world long for. Yet it is ours when we receive Christ. How good and how pleasant it is for our brothers to dwell in unity. Psa 133:1 this is the testimony of a saved person. By these three witnesses Gods Word the spirit inner witness and our love for the brothers we may know and be sure that we are really saved.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 17:15:58 +0000

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