The Astrological Year Ahead AHOY!! Before we cast the cards - TopicsExpress


The Astrological Year Ahead AHOY!! Before we cast the cards forward lets take a DEEP BREATH in and give thanks for the past 12 months, for the year that has been. Thank you Universe, Divine Spirit and my fellow radiant magic manifesters for the learning, living and loving. The past 12 months have been a blast and the next are set to be a real firecracker, especially as the hooves of our Year of the Horse get us well and truly into the saddle for the rodeo of life. Ok so here we go... The first 6 months... To keep you on the edge of your seats the next 6 months will be posted tomorrow... muwhahahahha (insert evil laugh). OVERALL THEME for the Astrological Year Ahead (April 2014 - March 2015): OSTENTATION This year is all about our ambition, our career, our future aspirations meeting our material values. Focus will be on our valuables from the possessions we have to the very gifts weve been given to make our mark on the world. This card is all about continuous improvement so if you were wondering if your finances, career, position in life will ever get better this is your green light from the Universe that yes it absolutely will. And how do we get there? By taking decisive action whilst at the same time letting go of our desire to control and freak out about the end result. This card beckons you to STOP scheming, planning and control freaking out over gaining material advantage and truly trust that you are thriving in an abundant Universe. There is MORE than ENOUGH to go round. Remember to embrace your pleasure (ha a BIG message from a recent session I had with an incredibly inspiring witch!) and be flexible - loosen the reigns, stop obsessing over money (a sure fire way to push it away), and stop worrying about losing face or keeping up with the Joneses. There is loads of fun and progress to be made so Just Trust. APRIL: INHERITANCE Again we have Saturn the planet of Ambition - who by the way makes an appearance 5 TIMES in this reading!!! - meeting the self-control and regeneration of Scorpio, in the 8th house which is traditionally the House of Death but really marks any change, transition and letting go of one thing to herald another. As we know there really is no such thing as death, its all a beautiful never ending cycle, but I digress... So as the card would suggest there is a financial windfall of some kind headed your way this month and please do not panic - it does not necessarily mean someone near and dear has to pass for it to happen. This month does see you managing property and assets for another, selling on behalf of another person and even being the executor of a will. In saying this the big theme this month is perfectionism and self-discipline, and striking a balance so that you can achieve your aims without taking on too much and experiencing personal hardship in the meantime. There is potential for brooding and resentment - bloody Scorpios love a good grudge! - especially where an injustice has been perpetrated. Can I suggest if at possible, avoid legal proceedings this month, if you can. And if its avoidable keep everything above board, light, bright and right to avoid the fit hitting the shan. MAY: ORIGINALITY Here we have the planet of change Mercury meet the principles and humanity of Aquarius in the eleventh house of relationships, hopes, dreams and good causes. This month the definition of insanity really is doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome, so put your lateral thinking cap on and dare to be different and do it different. Be open to seeing and experiencing things from a new perspective. It will provoke flashes of inspiration and great originality needed to a situation/relationship that needs fresh air breathed into it. Brace yourself for the shock of the new this month where new approaches are required, surprise announcements are made (my bet: quite a few pregnancies that are unexpected/unplanned - babies have a way of turning up on their own time, whether its part of your plan or not!) and new inventions/advancements reign supreme. Embrace the new people and if your head feels like its spinning fear not - this is the crazy excitement that provokes new possibility! JUNE: LOSS Now now alls not lost... This is of course my birthday month so at least one of us has something to look forward to! HAHAHA!!! Just kidding... Its all good in the hood with our uber ambitious Saturn meeting the understanding, sympathy and sacrifice of Pisces in the twelfth house of strengths & weaknesses, the collective unconscious, spirituality and karma. Oh you sensitive beautiful souls, giving to others this month to help them along their journey, you know that giving helps you too. At times this month it will feel difficult not to help those in need, but be careful not to take on the worlds issues onto your shoulders - you can only help when you are at your vibrational best, shining bright like the celestial rockstar that you are! This month can see you looking at the great mysteries of life, taking up a new interest or study in the occult or something spiritual, just ensure as you go inward to come back out for a breath of fresh air. There are tones of loss this month but as your empathy for anothers predicament flows over you, you really must step outside to see the forest for the trees and ask yourself whos loss is this, and is this really a loss anyway?. Whats really concerned here? Are you taking on board anothers drama and have you lost sight of the fact that loss can actually be a magnificent catalyst for personal growth. JULY: IDEALISM Here comes the Sun little darling... This month we have the good fortune of the Sun radiating shining down on the principles and humanity of Aquarius in the eleventh house of dreams, humanitarian issues and our relationships with people. While not too dissimilar to our previous Originality card - Aquarius and the eleventh house groundhog day - the emphasis here is being unusual, and even possibly downright eccentric. This month is about questioning the old stuck in the mud ways and find better more inventive ways to achieve what you have ambitiously set yourself. This month you keep up with the times and surround yourself interesting people, and yes you are all about the new so this could see new friendships and relationships blossom. Some of which are very influential and powerful, steering your ship onto new waves of possibility with a humanitarian tone - ones you had never dreamed of till now. Lateral thinking is again praised this month, especially if a sudden upset rears its head unexpectedly. Stay Calm and Carry On. Eccentric behaviour will most certainly gain a new result and lets face it when the chips are down change really is as good as a holiday right now. Importantly if you do need help dont be shy to ask for it - especially from someone new in your circle well armed with the power to help you. AUGUST: CRITICISM Mars the Action Jackson planet meets the perfectionism and service of Virgo this month in the sixth house of work, day to day life. Its a month of taking great pride in the detailed precise work done, the finishing touches of your working masterpiece. Great satisfaction can be found in the specialities - the minutia, as opposed to the macro wider picture - so enjoy the simple things in life and really be present in the moment as Virgos are oh so grounded and lets be honest slightly anal. You will feel a burst of energy from Mars this month and with the hard task master of Virgo theres a good chance you will make fantastic use of it, propelling you to new dizzying heights of success. Theres a good chance this will manifest to a promotion, taking a position of responsibility in an organisation or even being a personal assistant to someone famous and or powerful. A word of warning this month... There is either the need to be MORE critical of a certain situation or person or LESS critical - but theres no fence sitting here. A question needs an answer and you either need to be more discerning to uncover this answer OR you need to let up and stop being so supercritical to the detriment of the situation. Yes whatever answer first resonated with you is the right one. SEPTEMBER: INNOVATION This month we have so much to gain with Jupiter meeting the great lover of humanity and principles Aquarius, again in the eleventh house of friendships, hopes, dreams and good causes. Count them - 3 cards each with Aquarius in the Eleventh house - pattern forming here? You betcha! In this incredibly aspirational ambitious year we simply have to do things differently to catapult ourselves to the greatness we were born to achieve. INNOVATION, ORIGINALITY, IDEALISM - these are not words thrown around by people doing the old hat act day in and day out. You are revolutionary. You are the real deal and you are going to ROCK THIS WORLD by daring to be different, think different and act different. Oh you crazy MOFO we are about to really stir things up! Old problems need new approaches this month. Your great desire to help others will meet one of your other great passions - philosophy, spirituality and the study of the meaning of life and the human spirit. And sure enough with a bit of innovation, all your desires will be fulfilled and your life goals will be achieved, in the good company of friends and contemporaries. This month youre gonna try with a little help from your friends, and oh youll do more than get by with a little help from your friends! So dont be shy - reach out to those nearest and dearest, get involved in a new idea, a movement of the people, and better yourself through the betterment of others. Sounds pretty cool huh? Well, the next 6 months are just as rad as you pick up the ambitious tempo, tap into the feminine depths of our Divine La Luna and finish on a high with the good fortune of the Sun... Stay tuned peeps part 2 comes out tomorrow. Are we having fun yet?! Mel MWAH xo
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 10:08:31 +0000

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