The Athens Daily Review published a two-part story on the - TopicsExpress


The Athens Daily Review published a two-part story on the important issue of bullying this week written by Kathi Nailling. The first piece is headlined Listen to their cries: There has been a lot of focus on bullying in the media. Everyone has a right to feel safe and respected. Most think the bullying issues are only with children in the school system. This is not always the case, it be found in all walks of life. You can read the story here: athensreview/local/x1760070802/Listen-to-their-cries#sthash.WSLcXT6E.dpuf The second piece is headlined Bullying can interfere with students education: Whether you are being teased, picked on or bullied, it all means the same thing. Bullying may possibly be one of the biggest issues facing schools. You can read the story here: athensreview/local/x1667060225/Bullying-can-interfere-with-student-s-education#sthash.kKovvhWd.dpuf So what are your thoughts on bullying?
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 00:00:01 +0000

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