The Author of Romans: The writer of this letter was the apostle - TopicsExpress


The Author of Romans: The writer of this letter was the apostle Paul. No voice from the early church was ever raised against his authorship. The letter contains a number of historical references that agree with known facts of Pauls life. The doctrinal content of the book is typical of Paul, which is evident from a comparison with other letters he wrote. Date and place of writing: The book was probably written in the early spring of A.D. 57. Paul was on his third missionary journey, ready to return to Jerusalem with the offering from the mission churches for poverty-stricken believers in Jerusalem. In 15:26 it is suggested that Paul had already received contributions from the churches of Macedonia and Achaia, so he either was in Corinth or had already been there. Since he had not yet been in Corinth (on his third missionary journey_ when he wrote 1 Corinthians and he collection issue had still not been resolved when he wrote 2 Corinthians, the writing of Romans must follow that of 1,2 Corinthians. The most likely place of writing is ether Corinth or Cenchrea (about six miles away) because of references to Phoebe of Cenchrea and to Gaius, Pauls host who was probably a Corinthian. Erastus may also have been a Corinthian. Recipients: The original recipients of the letter were the people of the church in Rome, who were predominantly Gentile. Jews, however, must have constituted a substantial minority of the congregation. Paul originally sent the entire letter to the Roman church, but later he or someone else may have used a shorter form for more general distribution. Next week, I will go thru the Major theme, purpose, occasion, and content. Any of my amy-zing pastors out there can elaborate on this portion? Blessings to you ALL for the weekend!!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 16:53:15 +0000

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