The Autumn is our teacher about letting go. This week’s - TopicsExpress


The Autumn is our teacher about letting go. This week’s adventure is to imitate the trees. Watch them as they gracefully surrender their leaves back to mother earth. Let them inspire to to release that which no longer serves you. As a good friend of mine once told me, “You have to let go of the old trip before you can go on the new one.” Our challenge this week is to look deep within to discover the one thing that if we were to truly release this one thing (it could be a thought, a habit, a past event or action, a relationship, a possession, an old tape that plays in our head, anything!) that we could truly move forward in stronger, more peaceful, more loving way in our life, taking us one step closer to our true, authentic self, which is LOVE!!! During this week, take this into a spiritual inquiry. Take some time to write about it. Delve deep with yourself, then, choose one person whom you deem worthy, to share it with. After you share it, burn it, or put it in a box, giving it to The Divine. If it seems fitting, choose one of your possessions that represents what you are letting go of and give it away, donate it, or burn it. Remember that letting go can be a process. If you find that you don’t feel ready to let go of that one thing, work with finding the WILLINGNESS to release it. Once we truly find willingness, the actual letting go becomes truly possible. Be gentle with yourself through this process. Remember in truth that you are already free!!! Furthermore, contemplate this quote from Andrew Cohen: “Letting go is not something you can do. If you want to let go you only have to see everything as it is. You only need to see everything as it is until you no longer have any doubt about what it is you are looking at. That is all you have to do. Seeing things as they are is letting go. You have to look and look and look again until there is absolutely no mystery about the contents of your own mind. As long as there is any trace of suspicion or doubt about the ultimate nature of any thought, it will be impossible to let go of anything.” *remember: allow everything to be exactly as it is and re-member you are LOVE!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 16:32:35 +0000

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