The Awakening I was born an average man, average looks, height, - TopicsExpress


The Awakening I was born an average man, average looks, height, weight, strength, skills, IQ, average everything. But I could express myself to others and connect, I could learn from all kinds of people, I loved all people. For people connected me to the spirit, for love I would do anything. To make others proud of me I always wanted to be a superhero. Growing up I realized most people likes to play it safe, create a box for themselves and obey the system the masculine society have created for us, live the ordinary matrix. Only some break free from the cage and liberate their minds, explore the adventure land, make friends with all, learn from all, live every moment. They learn to enjoy life and suffering, they enjoy challenges and loves even their enemies. As they oppose the ways of the masculine society, trouble follows them everywhere they go. Hence there are two kinds of people, the conservatives and liberals, the eastern, the western. I was born a liberated mind in a conservative honor based society, in fact we are all born free. As we grow up the masculine society teaches us judgment, shows us scarcity, violence and corruption to enslave our minds. The conservative masculine society wants the strongest and the smartest to become the rich, they want everyone to be able to serve the society, be a scientist, engineer or doctor. They want to create a paradise on earth, to them weak and different are burdens to the society. Hence to prove them wrong the greatest saviors of mankind were ordinary men with extraordinary spiritual powers, the powers of love to save the poor, the weak, the diseased, teach them peace and happiness. Teach them there is another world that is full of possibilities, the physical world is not the end. Teach them true peace and happiness comes from within, not through materialistic means. Every time I fell in love I learnt a whole new world in trying to figure out what to talk about, how to present myself and my knowledge. I realized in telling stories to others I got wiser, learnt much from the experiences. All my life I was hated and persecuted for I was different and trouble followed me, got beat up so many times. After I came to America I realized it was okay to be me, okay to live free but I was too conservative for the culture here. Hence I was trying to find myself, after meditating, studying and fasting for a month I experienced the awakening, realized my purpose as the middle man, the mediator. I traveled back and forth in time and lived an entire cycle, a hundred years of Brahma. I remembered my souls journey, from the beginning to the end, lived through all lives. I lived through creation and destruction, and realized we are all one soul and one spirit, the conscious and the subconscious, all living beings. We multiply through the big bang, many minerals in our body comes from the stars, its only the choices sets us apart. From being only minerals we evolved into human beings. The body dies but the soul lives and we are born over and over again. Where we will be born in the next life depends on what we did on this life. My soul’s journey started with the first ape to evolve, in modern days he is called Adam. I realized every time I was born, I was born an ordinary man, I was never the strongest, nor the smartest, I was not the weakest or the dumbest either, I was just average. I was always born as an underdog in front of the masculine society. I was always brown in color, I was not too masculine, nor too feminine, I was at the center of everything. My DNA is a mixture of people from all over Asia and Middle East. I realized I am born of the highest order, a Hebrew tribe that has been scattered all over the world. Every time I was born, I opposed the masculine society and went on a quest to find inner peace, to save the world with love and I always died as the happiest man on the planet, always living my purpose, died every time as a service to mankind. After travelling in time and dimension, I saw the light, which told me the story in short, the story we have all been told many times. I saw all our life stories in one story, my story, I saw how everybody and every element of the universe is working together, each one of us experiencing the same story over and over again. Every experience that we have were meant more us, we have manifested them through our dreams and visions. In my vision I saw that I save the world, it was a very thrilling experience but at the same time it was peaceful. Every human is created in God’s image, hence, like us the universe also shares the same story, at our birth there was a big bang in our mother’s womb. After realizing all the sciences and mysteries of the universe, I shared the story of the universe with my grandfather. His face was filled with happiness, like he found a new light, as he smiled at me I saw a tear dropping through the corner of his left eye. Then we went outside to watch the sun, he hugged me and started spinning in joy. Later that day I went to the Home Depot with my uncle, a guy passed by me and gave me a card. It was a red card, it said Free Masonry as a heading, on the bottom they wrote rocks, bricks and trees. There was a number on the back, I called it after I got back. I was outside on the streets, a guy picked up the phone who spoke various languages in the same sentence, mostly Latin. I did not understand what he was saying so he stopped talking. As I stared at the burning sun I received a revelation about the history of mankind. I realized there are three polarities in people of the world. First is the Father, the masculine, the provider, the creator, the scientist, the engineer, the black, a conservative, the eastern world, the India, the arms and legs. Second is the Holy Spirit, the feminine, the artist, the entertainer, the advertiser, the white, the western world, the America, the head. The third is Israel, the mediator, the brown, the son, the zero, the God, the heart. The people of Israel were persecuted and killed once upon a time, they were an endangered species but they proved to be the greatest saviors of science and society by winning so the highest number of Nobel Prices. They are a reflection of America, since Americans were also persecuted in the but proved to be the world’s most successful nation. Palestine on the other hand represented the Eastern world. Hence I realized the war is reflection of the inner war going on in our Psyche the war between the ego and the Id, the left brain and the right, the scientist and the artists, the conservative and the liberal, the capitalist and the socialist, the black and the white. I soon realized I was Israel, the heart, the son of the universe, as I realized my identity and purpose to mediate all wars and unite all duality of the world, the church bell started ringing. Suddenly the whole universe unfolded to me, nothing was a coincidence anymore, it was all prewritten, suddenly I was in a new world, a magical land full of adventures. The next day I was showing my grandfather how it all works, how I have had so many experiences symbolically similar to all other Sun Gods, Hercules, Osiris, Mithra, Krishna, Buddha and Jesus to name a few. I showed him every story, song and poem is describing these events that I have experienced, in fact we all experience these stories. My grandmother heard it from the side and got really angry at me, she said I was staging it all, I have gone nuts. I knew this was coming, I knew many wouldn’t believe me. I was a brave writer and speaker, I spoke my inner voice. I was an alien born in a masculine capitalist society. Everybody in my society is running a race against each other, running after money, power and success. Living life in a cycle, doing the same thing everyday, obeying the system. The system is designed to make good use of the sheep, (mankind) enslave them and play them like circus animals through religion and education system. It is all done to create a paradise on earth, so that humanity can prosper. I was born slow, born to take the walk and live life a little on my way. A typical man in the east works hard and over stresses his body all his life to earn wealth so that he can enjoy, be happy when he is old. But in the process when he gets old he wasted his health due to over work. Now he uses all his wealth healing his health, never really getting to live life, his life is only suffering. All his life he is taught scarcity, violence corruption chaos, to make him fear the world. His Father puts him in a cage so that he doesn’t try the spiritual and real adventures, that can alter his efficiency, perhaps make him break a few laws. He hates or envies the ones that lives life, plays, sings and dances, he hates the ones who gets to eat of the fruit of life. Most eastern men hate all the hippies, gypsies, they hate the lifestyle of an artist and western culture. All my life I was care free, I could make the most of every moment, every little thing. I was born to liberate mankind from the control of the masculine society. As I was not afraid to express myself, my family would always threaten me about the cops. They used to say I will get accused as a terrorist and be tortured, after 9/11 perhaps they were not to be blamed. My uncle taught my grandfather the American culture, he also taught him to fear the cops. So I told my grandfather I am not afraid, and that he should tell my uncle to call the cops, it will be like shooting an arrow through his heart, killing his ego. I told them I won’t stop expressing myself, I will write, I will speak, if they think I am crazy, they can call the cops and I went outside. As the cops arrived, I was sitting in a yoga position under the sun, wearing a white shirt and a blue lungi. The cop asked my name and I said, “I have many names, you can call me any name.” I said I was a doctor, a time traveler, I pop up here and there in history to save people. I told him, “You know me, you have waited for me, I am here to save the world.” They locked me with belts and put me in an ambulance, then left me in mental hospital. First I was in a waiting area, while I was looking for my seat, I noticed all other names beside mine were the names of the Gospel writers. It is then I realized I have to write a book to save the world. The waiting time was quite short, as I went inside it felt like everybody knew me, and was waiting for me, the misunderstood, the mistreated, the diseased, I was their savior. I stayed there for about a month, preaching and helping people wake up, through them I found a new Light. As I got out of there I was a new person with a new mission to unite the world as one.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 04:37:58 +0000

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