The Awkward Series Episode 7: An Inner Struggle Im not - TopicsExpress


The Awkward Series Episode 7: An Inner Struggle Im not entirely sure what level of awkward this post may be on. But for me, it sure is pretty awkward, considering the inner struggle Im about to speak about is one of my own. I struggle with a lot of things. Im a human being. An emotional one at that. An emotional human being with a mind that asks too many questions and a heart that just wants to love. Love people. All sorts of people. And you see, thats how this The Chronicles of EveryWoman was born. I suffered in silence seeing a lot of women making a lot of grave mistakes and paying for them dearly. I saw men, utterly and completely confused about why their amazing woman harbours so much bitterness and pain. Its true. A lot of women nowadays carry a lot of bitterness. And this world we live in encourages it in such a way, its actually considered abnormal to find a woman who isnt bitter. And my mind, my mind that questions things that arent okay, was not going to sit there and watch the world go by. No, so I utilized my ability to write and my heart that cares (probably a bit too much) and I created a platform to help, to challenge, to inspire, to address issues, to entertain (somewhat), and a lot of other things. Im a loudmouth. I am. If I see a problem, I will speak. And due to my passion for women and children (which is part of my passion for people, anywho), I noticed a lot of things. The fact that there is a serious issue with rape and how people deal with it. The fact that women are on the verge of killing each other, for a ring! The fact that women are willing to sacrifice their dignity for strange things. Do I sit in silence? No! Because Id like to leave this earth knowing I put in my all to try and help as many people as possible. And you know, Ive been called a lot of things. An activist. A feminist. A softie. Ive been warned before. Careful, Chipo, you sound a little aggressive. Chipo, dont you want to turn it down a bit? Etc. Etc. Ive had debates with people on things Ive addressed. Ive been called awkward. In other words, I have been labelled. And thus comes my struggle - dealing with these labels. Because not all of them are considered bad. But do I consider them part of me? My answer: No. Why? I simply do not want any labels. That is all. - And there was my struggle. Admitting that. Why? Because it comes with serious backlash. Whats wrong with being called ABC? So you arent a DEF? Whats wrong with you? Did I fear the backlash? Yes. No one likes being attacked. But I realized that attacks are always going to come. Someone will always disapprove of what Im doing. If you ask me if Im affiliated with any movements. Ill say no. If you ask me if Im anything that ends with -ist, Ill probably say no. I barely use the term Christian because its become something that has a meaning that has become so faded and jaded and twisted. Just like any other name. Does it mean I dont have a relationship with Jesus Christ, My Lord and Saviour? No. Because at the end of the day, to me, if I identify more with Christian and my relationship with God is another story of its own... Well leave that there for another episode. I simply am Chipo Faith Biti and I love to help people. At the moment, my heart seems to be focusing on women more than men or children. And Im okay with that. Because, thats my area for now. But if I do see something awkward or wrong going on, regardless of the gender, I will make noise. Trust me. And you know, people will have a problem with it. You cant just say youre you. Stand for something! I do stand for something. You just fear being committed to a cause. Uhh, no. People are my cause. I have nothing against anyone who wants to call themselves ABC. OR anyone who represents a movement. Hey, those are your choices, I respect that. Same way, if someone who doesnt agree with Christianity comes my way. Will I launch into some Youre going to hell tirade? No. Thats not me. Ill speak to you like a human being - because that is exactly what you are. I am me. I have my beliefs. I have my limits and my standards. If you do something that does affect me or what I stand for in any way, we will have issues. I speak my mind. Whether one listens or not is up to that one. This is the end of todays episode and right now, Im amazed at what Ive written because when I started my mind is blank. I hope Ive made sense. Somehow. See you all on Thursday :) Quit being awkward. Love yourself. Be yourself. Signed Chipo Faith Biti **NOTE: This truly is not directed at ANYONE or ANYTHING. If Ive offended you in anyway, inbox me and lets talk :)
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 16:10:12 +0000

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