The BBC thinks they are fair.... Dear Mrs Bowen Thank you - TopicsExpress


The BBC thinks they are fair.... Dear Mrs Bowen Thank you for contacting us about the recent escalation in violence in Gaza and southern Israel. We have received a wide range of feedback about our coverage of this story across our television and radio programmes and the BBC News website. In order to use our TV licence fee resources efficiently, this response aims to answer the key concerns, but we apologise in advance if it doesn’t address your specific points in the manner you would prefer. BBC News has reported extensively on Israel’s recent military actions in Gaza. Reports on the BBC News Channel, on BBC One’s main news bulletins and during radio news bulletins have detailed the series of airstrikes on Gaza. We have reported on the mounting civilian deaths and casualties following Israel Defence Force airstrikes, and on the infrastructural destruction of an already isolated and densely populated area. Our reporting has followed the unfolding of these events, as information has become available, as part of our very extensive coverage. Across this coverage we have heard from those who believe Israel’s response has been disproportionate and amounts to collective punishment of the Palestinians, as well as from those who disagree. We have reported on the context of the conflict in light of Israel’s continuing blockade of the strip and on the resulting socio-economic deprivation. We have also detailed the considerable differences between Hamas and Israel’s respective military capabilities and have detailed Israel’s modern defence systems, such as Iron Dome: BBC News has also examined the cause of the conflict, as seen by each side, including the impact of the blockade and the occupation. We believe we have reported on these issues in a fair and impartial manner. Please be assured we raised your concerns with senior editorial staff at BBC News. Thank you again for contacting us. Kind Regards BBC Complaints NB This is sent from an outgoing account only which is not monitored. You cannot reply to this email address but if necessary please contact us via our webform quoting any case number we provided.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 14:54:12 +0000

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