** The BETRAYAL**** (EPISODE 29) ........ darlinton stared@ his - TopicsExpress


** The BETRAYAL**** (EPISODE 29) ........ darlinton stared@ his injured finger for a while b4 descending heavily on lynda, kicking & slapping her. Lyndas cry soon shook the whole lodge that fateful evening, making us freeze like statues as she recieved Dars blows all alone. I truly have never heard nor witnessed any1 cry with such pain & anguish before in my life, but instead of rendering any help, I just stood n watched as if I was watching a home video. I was too scared to jump into the fight, but then whatever it was that prevented me 4rm intervening that moment equally turned me into a very heartless girl who just stood n watched a fellow girl as she got beaten in a fight which truly started because I happened to be in that very room that moment. Supposing Amara n I left things as they were, all these wouldnt ve happened but i guess its now too late to be regretting I reasoned as i watched him beat up lynda. Amara was still too stunned to intervene, as she sat speechless on the bed with both hands on her head. After Darlintons revelation abt her boyfriend that fateful evening, she just coloured up n kept to herself like an AIDS patient. The poor girl really had given up with her struggles when her strength failed her, yet Darlinton really was very furious to care or even notice. Supposing his 2 friends didnt break him away 4 her that moment, i truly dont know what could have happened.. Dar n his friends finally left us alone in pieces and I was then left with the huge task of reviving Lynda. Poor girl who was trampled upon, humilated and beaten all because of love. People dont believe me when I do say that most things about life is either cruel, comes from cruelty or ends with cruelty, but here again Lyndas case is just but one out of a million cases, and even though I blamed her, I still understood her plight, because not every girl has the strength nor courage of letting go a guy with whom she shared a unique portion of her heart and body with. With shaking hands, I lifted up her head n tried to revive her.. Luckily Neighbours rushed out from their rooms & held Darlinton strongly, even though none of them dared caution him. I managed to drag Ben to his room, while some kind neighbours followed & assisted me in calming him down do you want to bring yourself down to his level? abeg always ignore him the way we do, he is just a frustrated crimminal they asked, advised & cautioned Benjamin who kept moving his eyes to & fro like a cornered rat. I think u should report him 2 the police or school security a neighbour advised, hmmm which kind advice u dey give so? Abeg dont listen to him unless u are ready to fight all his {cult} group another neighbour chipped in, causing a hot debate among them & it lasted till late in the evening. im sorry 4 dragging u into this I apologized when we were finally alone. He bit his lips and stared at me with a blank expression. cyndii i failed you he muttered sadly. My heart melted, I drew close & held him passionately, you made me very proud today dear I replied sweetly. He breathed deeply b4 kissing my right hand, please i will like to see the spot where his belt landed on u he begged quietly. I instantly looked away with a coloured face. I never knew he noticed when Darlintons belt landed on my body because it happened in a flash & i equally failed mentioning it to him because I didnt want him to feel bad. cmon dear please show me he pleaded. I calmly obeyed, turned my back n pulled off my top, oh my God! he exclaimed as he examined my body, making cold shiver run down my spine, I will report him to the police I heard him mutter. My heart instantly leapt, I turned n held his hand, please allow this matter to die abeg dear I pleaded with guilt n shame in my eyes because I never knew i would stoop so low as to beg on Darlintons behalf, even though I was restrained from reporting him to the authorities few days ago, but my plea really was 4 Bens good, because cultists are always very deadly & unpredictable. so what do you think we should do to him? I soon heard him ask. I swallowed hard, covered my face with my palms and rested it on my knees, what really should be done to that rascal? I asked myself over n over again. A multi million question very hard to answer. I was very busy with my thoughts that I never knew when he left me to boil hot water, nor when he returned with a hot bowl of water. dear im about to massage your back I heard him say as he sat beside me. I jolted, stared at him n smiled, while he curiously returned my look. My bra was soon on the floor and his hands all over my back with a small towel which he used in massaging me, Oh how sweet it really was to have his strong gentle hands work on me with a hot towel. I was soon caught in the euphoria of heavenly feelings. Hmmm I know you all can guess what happened next... STORY CONTINUES EPISODE 30 loading... TIME: 9:30PM.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 18:53:59 +0000

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