The BIG question, does everyone go to Heaven, most want to believe - TopicsExpress


The BIG question, does everyone go to Heaven, most want to believe that the answer is yes, sadly enough the answer is NO, the Bible is clearly written, however its not clearly understood, my heart breaks and hurts often for there is nothing more important to me than to know that everyone not only in my family but those I know also I will see in Heaven. many people think that because they go to church, or because that they were baptized as a infant baby, or that they were raised in a religious family they are in, again this is wrong and a lie, Jesus says clearly in the Bible this in John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. being Christian, God has laid upon my heart to spread the Truth and the Word about Him, the greatest impact in my life was the day that I could not stand on my own two feet any longer, the weight of the world was killing me and I didnt realize it, what I did realize was this, I found success based on having money, I found success based on having all the things that I wanted, but I still wasnt truly happy inside, I often felt empty and alone, the weight of the world had me collapsing inside, I was ready to run, leave everything I had and go, I could no longer bear the weight, I was finished and at the end of my rope, life no longer had meaning, value, happiness, I no longer knew what love was, i did not like myself, so think about this, if you dont really like or love yourself, how do you expect that you can like or love someone else?, a friend who had compassion and a ear was hearing my plea with out me understanding that I was really making a plea, he burned a cd that was written by a pastor on the doctrine of Jesus, I listened to it over and over for a few months and things started to take root, I was than invited to the Harvest America, that was being held in Seattle, not having a clue to what I was going to attend I went, and that day has forever changed my life, a Christian rock band by the name of Mercy Me was playing the lead singer Bart, was sharing words that were speaking to my heart and I didnt have a clue, and then Pastor Greg Laurie shared a message that rocked me, at the end of his message he asked everyone in the arena, if you are make to make a stance and want Jesus Christ in your life come on down and we will pray with and for you, and lead anyone in a sinners prayer that would allow Jesus into your life and heart, I prayed that prayer that day, all the sorrow and pain, the lack of self worth, was truly gone in a moments notice, I felt Loved like never before, I finally felt ACCEPTED and not by the world, the Father I need had I finally found, you see I once was lost but now am found. WOW, WOW, WOW. I will never be able to put to words what that truly means to me, I will forever try like I am doing tonight as I share what I am writing, my prayer is that whoever is reading this can fell His love through my words. Heaven is for real, and the right now I am knocking on the door to your Heart and asking would you like to come, this prayer that I will share right now with you to read, hopefully and prayerfully your heart will turn right around and being saying to Jesus, and if that is true you have just received Jesus into your life and your ticket to Heaven has been punched. A Sinners prayer: Dear Lord, I come to you right now broken, lost and hurting not knowing which way to turn any longer, Jesus I turn to you at this point in my life asking for you to come into my life and take me as I am, I ask that you forgive my sins, and take away my pains that have healed me hostage and trapped inside, Lord I ask that you be my savior, and my friend and lead me the rest of the way until that day I pass through the gate and enter Heaven with you, I pray this prayer in your name Lord Jesus, AMEN. If your heart has said this prayer, may I welcome you to His Kingdom and not of this world but in Heaven alone. God Bless and thank you for taking the time to read my sharing. for I am a sinner saved by the Grace of God. Blessings to you all. Robin.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 09:06:40 +0000

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