The #BLACKPOWERPETITIONS POWER list ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– The #BLACKPOWERPETITIONS – POWER list! #one #Unity #Blackpound Our community means business… Touch one… Touch us ALL! Please sign ALL these online petitions which will help the African community have clout online – #Blackpowerpetitions! #Blackpower! Let’s work in #unity, as #one please share via Facebook, Twitter, Linkedn, Instagrame, Myspace email and all your online networks with your friends. Please, sign and share this petition LIST. Please share it via your largest and smallest Facebook Groups and Pages too. We really need to use the Internet and digital phone capabilities to the MAXIMUM on petitions of importance to our community… We as Africans our family and loved ones, really need to use the Internet to raise ourselves up emotionally, spiritually, socially, politically and economically… Moreover, we have Dr. Mark Dean an African inventor, who has 9 patents in his own name too! On the first IBM computer! So, let’s do great things with the digital technology platforms given to us by our great African brother… :-) Twitter – Please simply ‘retweet’ the Twitter URL link for all your Twitter friends to kindly sign too. You can also just copy and paste the whole #BLACKPOWERPETITIONS list when you invite friends via to sign these or any other online petitions too or email it to your friends. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– We want Ed Vaizey MP – Minister for Culture, Communications & Creative Ind, to ‘ring-fence’ 20% spending from annual BBC licence fee revenue, to reflect African, Asian and ethnic minorities. Petition by; OneMillion Households London, United Kingdom The #BBC #Blackpound Petition ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Petitioning Please Save Marcus! Please Save Marcus! Please Save Marcus! Please sign the petition to save 22 year old Marcus! Petition by : Siobhan Chin London, United Kingdom As many of you already know, my brother is critically ill in intensive care in Croydon University (Mayday) Hospital. Marcus’ family should have the sole right to make decisions concerning his health. This seems like another case of the NHS surving the UK African community very badly! Things should not come to the need for any petitions! Multiply your impact Turn your signature into dozens more by sharing this petition and recruiting people you know to sign. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Introduce Black History to the primary curriculum Responsible department: Department for Education To make Black History part of the school curriculum for Primary education. It helps to enrich the development of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural needs of all ethnic groups. We believe Black History should be made a mandatory element of the national curriculum. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– THE UNDERSIGNED MAKE THE FOLLOWING HEARTFELT DECLARATION The immoral and inhuman treatment inflicted on Afrikans by the money-making Europeans has never been addressed. ipetitions/petition/rastafari-movement-uk by; Imane Campbell https://ipetitions/petition/rastafari-movement-uk Petitioning The British State including the Monarchy, Parliament and the Government This petition will be delivered to: The British State including the Monarchy, Parliament and the Government To Establish an All-Party Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry for Truth, Justice and Reparations Petition by; wechargegenocideecocide petition London, United Kingdom ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- SIGN THE PETITION! STOP THE EVICTION OF RASTAFARI FROM THEIR ANKHCESTRAL LANDS AT PINNACLE Benefit sanctions is really killing people… literally…. Please kindly sign…. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Ban the ASDA Ku Kluk Klan style wearable flag Petitioning Andy Clarke, CEO, ASDA This petition will be delivered to: Andy Clarke, CEO, ASDA Petition by ZITA HOLBOURNE LONDON, United Kingdom ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Stop the Human Zoo of Black People in Norway Please sign the – Human Zoo petition to protest at the Barbicans potrail of African people as animals … ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- #BLACKPOWERPETITIONS #BlackPowerPetitions #Blackpower Please don’t forget to kindly look us up via the links at the bottom… Bless U… Wishing you all the power of our ancestors… The 21 joint Administrators ONE MILLION HOUSEHOLDS UK Black Family Household UNION™ & UK Black Parliament™ online Campaign 07017410510 Permanent - Flextel 07803611181 - T-Mobile One Million Households – Making the #Blackpound work 4 US! ™ Encouragement and support – MS. DIANE ABBOTT MP was kind enough to take the time to write a most encouraging letter, (July 2008) in which she applauded the #UK #Black Household #UNION and #UK #African #Parliament initiative saying: ‘this is a very interesting idea’. As you know; MS. DIANE ABBOTT MP is the longest serving Member of Parliament from ‘Our Households’ and her support is a very positive sign, of things to come… Encouragement and support – MS. DIANE ABBOTT MP: onemillionhouseholds.wordpress/2014/09/05/292/ https://facebook/#!/groups/OneMillionHouseholds/10152326386083738/ Please checkout the Voice newspaper link below too… Thanks…. #TheVoice newspaper – ENTIRE front page article: Please join UK Black Family Household UNION & UK Black Parliament – One Million Households Campaign online Facebook/groups/onemillionhouseholds Please, kindly join and invite others…email ‘tweet’ and ‘share’ Let’s spread the word! ‘They’ve seen the Colour of Our Money – Now, let’s show them; The MONEY OF OUR COLOURS! – The #Blackpound!’ One Million Households – Making the #Blackpound work for US! ™ #UK #Black #Family #Household #UNION & #UK #Black #Parliament – online #Campaign 07017 410 510 07983 611 181 – T-Mobile ‘#REALISINGTHEDREAM’… ‘A CHANGE IS GONNA COME…’ Copyright © Warren Alexander-Dean 2014 facebook/photo.php?fbid=3978832871165&set=o.23506783927&type=1&theater One Million Households – Group – 20,600+ Members Facebook/groups/onemillionhouseholds One Million Households – Page – 3,400+ Supporters facebook/pages/One-Million-Households/23506783927 UK African Parliament: – Group – 2,920+ Members https://facebook/#!/groups/311700242298815/?fref=ts Union Group: UK Black Family Household UNION – 36+ Members https://facebook/groups/1486917658197761/ Union Page: UK Black Family Household UNION – 205+ Supporters https://facebook/pages/UK-Black-Family-Household-UNION/223646584475081 UK Blackpound Group: 256+ Members - https://facebook/groups/427130307430955/ UK Blackpound Page: 50+ Supporters facebook/pages/Blackpound-UK/632846030103439 Melanin people – The first people – Group – 256+ Members https://facebook/groups/657582524289613/#!/groups/657582524289613/ Alkebulan people Group – 84+ Members https://facebook/groups/743175422393848/ Manifesto – The Plan facebook/groups/OneMillionHouseholds/10151350568518738/ MY PEOPLE – youtube/watch?v=xvzGPoioVHk https://facebook/OneMillionHouseholds For online info the PDF Press Release please visit: https://facebook/groups/OneMillionHouseholds - Docs twitter/OneMillionHouse @OneMillionHouse – OneMillionHouseholds™ https://twitter/Blackpoundman @Blackpoundman https://twitter/BlackpoundUK @BlackpoundUK https://onemillionhouseholds.wordpress/ The Voice newspaper – ENTIRE front page article: The #BBC #Blackpound Petition We need your ‘A-game!’
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 08:00:31 +0000

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