The BPSA aims to play a pivotal,proactive role in SA political - TopicsExpress


The BPSA aims to play a pivotal,proactive role in SA political landscape with a view to radically changing the socio-economic conditions of the poor to at least be at a competitive level to enable them to be active role players in the economic development of the country moving forward.This we aim to achieve through education programs and policies thatll ensure that after matric learners receive practical skills training which will equip and arm them with neccessary skills to make them employable in the globally evolving economic climate.We view education as the key area which needs everyones undivided attention because indeed without quality education the future will be gloom for our children which is why we aim to make it freely available to everyone from the grassroots right up to tertiary level. We stand firm on the issue of zero tolerance to corruption and anyone within our party ranks,be it a councillor, MPL or MP found to have been involved in any criminal or corruption will be recalled and or expelled from the party as we view corruption as dangerous cancer thats eating away at our societys moral fibre and thus holding us back to progress in issues of nation building and advancing the needs of the masses that we serve therefore anyone elected to a position within party ranks is expected to shun and dispel corruption with the disdain it deserves; Its ironic that we are among some of the worlds richest nations with regard to mineral resources but then we are among the poorest nations where some sections of the population still barely survives below the breadline.The vast mineral resources of SA cannot at present be enjoyed by the indiginous inhabitants of this country because the mining even though some may argue that the mines belong to the people,the mining rights are still in the hands of a few capitalists who are monopolizing the industry and underpaying the laborers whose meagre salaries cant afford to send their children to school or give them access to decent housing,sanitation,water etc.We are of the view that foreign mining companies should have their licences revoked so that mines can really belong to the people,this will be attainable through proper policy development,implementation and monitoring by qualified professionals.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 15:51:02 +0000

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