The Badger requires some clarity. When did the youth of society - TopicsExpress


The Badger requires some clarity. When did the youth of society become more wise and experienced than those who have earned their reputation? is this mentality a generational problem, or were these children so coddled that they have an overwhelming sense of entitlement? Not to sound old (Im begining to already understand I am), but when I started out in any job I had my mouth closed and eyes and ears open. Regardless of what I thought I already knew, there was more to learn. In my option, there is nothing more frustrating or disrespectful than some punk/hipster imparting so-called and inaccurate knowledge to the masses. I want to say, wow you sure know a lot considering youre almost thirty, live with mommy and are incapable of whipping your ass without assistance. As for assignment of blame...where do I begin? Is it the passive parents who reward stupidity with a hug rather than a slap on the ass? I have a cure for completed high school, time for you to GTFO!!! There, problem solved. Moveing on, could it be the current dicatator mandating you cover junior until age twenty-six? WTF IS THAT ABOUT??? If youre too young to be on your own...than youre too stupid/immature to vote for idiots like Barry or to drink. Again, problem rectified. As for your candor to share your wisdom...when you have gain any useful knowledge or experience, I will be there to listen. Chances are by the time that has occured, I will be long dead and buried considering you will be in your 60s collecting further entitliments. So concludes todays rant. Let me finish by saying should have swallowed. Have a great day.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 14:48:24 +0000

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