The Barotseland Government in Waiting Appeals for Calm as They - TopicsExpress


The Barotseland Government in Waiting Appeals for Calm as They Work Towards Complete Control of Barotseland Territory. Mungu. The Royal Barotseland government in waiting has appealed for continued calm and patience as they make every effort to take full control of the running of the entire territory of Barotseland. Featuring on the inaugural Live Chat Forum on Radio Barotseland yesterday, Rt. Hon. Lubinda Kunangela , the National Information Officer revealed that huge strides have so far been achieved. On the political front he wished to assure all Barotzish nationals that independence has already been won, but that further steps were waiting to take place according to an internationally recognized civil road map such as voluntary repatriation and expatriation through which process nationals of Barotseland will be requested to voluntarily repatriate, as other nationalities within the entire territorial borders of Barotseland will be given the opportunity, if they so wish, to repatriate back to their countries of origin. Furthermore, there still has to be exchange of officers and military personnel, under the auspices of the United Nations if need be. This exchange program, he said, was necessary for the security and defense of our territorial borders. On the economic front, Mr. Kunangela assured all Barotse citizens that efforts were already being made to ensure that Barotseland Nationals would be catered for economically, government structures and civil service would be well provided for so that the nation would not be in a crisis immediately after independence. Therefore, Barotzis should instead appreciate that all these ingredients are necessary and need to be taken before we could even celebrate our independence. However, he also said that some of their efforts are already yielding success, such as the Sioma Hydro Power station, which contrary to some media reports in Zambia, is actually a brain child of the government in waiting and not the occupying regime of Zambia, and that more such foreign direct investment into Barotseland is already underway. Numerous investment inquiries have been received which await consideration as soon as a Barotse parliament approved investment policies and laws are in place. On the territorial boundaries of Barotseland, Hon. Kunangela, said Barotzis should not worry as the boundaries of Barotseland are so well defined and documented. Those that wish to know them can refer to the transitional constitution, and also saying they are defined by the 1900 - 1947 maps drawn by Independent international bodies. Answering a query from a caller on why there seems to be varied voices from the different stakeholders of Barotseland such as the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE), the liberation movements and the government in waiting, creating a situation where the public were confused on who to trust or follow, or the fact that there was infighting among these stakeholders, Mr. Kunangela expressed government in waiting’s gratitude to the BRE for having guarded and secured the resources of Barotseland to this day, explained that differences of opinions were inevitable in this matter because there were some who still believe that what Barotseland needs is merely the restoration of the already and buried Barotseland Agreement of 1964 so that Barotseland could continue being part of Zambia, and yet the Barotse National Council (BNC) of 27th March 2012 affirmed the unchallenged Unilateral Declaration of independence (UDI) of 8th September 2011 which declaration gave birth to the internationally recognized government in waiting in accordance with the international Law, while 20,000 signature endorsement of the Transitional Constitution had legally mandated the government to start there work. This is also done in accordance with internationals. Therefore, he urged all Barotzish Nationals to support the development plan whose funding is underway and reject misinformation that may come from any other quarters especially reports and news displayed by the foreign media of Zambia, saying believing Zambia’s media reports is at one’s own peril, as the only official platforms for authenticated news is through the government establish platforms such as Barotseland,, Barotsepost and Radiobarotseland - See more at: barotsepost/index.php/en/frontnews/local-news/408-the-barotseland-government-in-waiting-appeals-for-calm-as-they-work-towards-complete-control-of-barotseland-territory#sthash.YA6hhqmv.dpuf
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 17:44:09 +0000

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