The Basics of “Free-Energy”: This beginner’s introduction - TopicsExpress


The Basics of “Free-Energy”: This beginner’s introduction presumes that you have never heard of free-energy before and would like an outline sketch of what it is all about, so let’s begin at the beginning. We tend to have the impression that people who lived a long time ago were not as clever as we are – after all, we have television, computers, mobile phones, games consoles, aeroplanes, …. But, and it is a big “but”, the reason why they did not have those things is because science had not advanced far enough for those things to become possible. That did not mean that the people who lived before us were any less clever than we are. For example, could you, personally, come up with an accurate calculation of the circumference of the Earth? This has to be without prior knowledge, no satellites, no astronomical information, no calculators, no computers and no experts to guide you. Eratosthenes did by observing the shadows in two wells some 800 kilometres apart. When was that? More than two thousand years ago. You have probably heard of the geometry of Pythagoras who lived hundreds of years before Eratosthenes, and that geometry is still used in remote areas to lay out the foundations for new buildings. You have probably heard of Archimedes who worked out why things float. He lived more than two thousand years ago. So, how do those people stack up against you and me? Were they stupid people? This is quite an important point because it demonstrates that the body of scientific information enables many things which were not thought possible in earlier times. This effect is not restricted to centuries ago. Take the year 1900. My father was a youngster then, so it is not all that long ago. It would be another three years before Orville and Wilbur Wright made their first ‘heavier-than-air’ flight, so there no aircraft around in 1900. There were no radio stations and most definitely, no television stations, nor would you have found a telephone inside a house. The only serious forms of information were books and periodicals or teaching establishments which relied on the knowledge of the teachers. There were no cars and the fastest form of transport for the average person was on a galloping horse. Today, it is difficult to grasp what things were like not all that long ago, but come closer in time and look back just fifty years. Then, people researching in scientific fields had to design and build their own instruments before they ever got to experimenting in their chosen fields of knowledge. They were instrument makers, glass-blowers, metal workers, etc. as well as being scientific researchers. Nowadays there are measuring instruments of all kinds for sale ready-made. We have silicon semiconductors which they didn’t have, integrated circuits, computers, etc. etc. The important point here is the fact that advances in scientific theory have made possible many things which would have been considered quite ridiculous notions in my father’s time. However, we need to stop thinking as if we already know everything there is to know and that nothing which we think of as “impossible !!” could ever happen. Let me try to illustrate this by remarking on just a few things which as recently as the year 1900 would have marked you out as a “lunatic crank”, things which we take for granted today because, and only because, we are now familiar with the science behind each of these things. Certainties in the year 1900 A metal aeroplane weighing 350 tons couldn’t possibly fly – everyone knows that !! You couldn’t possibly watch someone who is a thousand miles away – talk sense !! No ! Of course you can’t speak to somebody who lives in a different country unless you visit them ! The fastest way to travel is on a galloping horse. A machine could never beat a man at chess – be realistic ! Today, we know that these things are not just possible, but we take them for granted. We have a mobile phone in our pocket and could easily use it to talk to friends in other countries almost anywhere in the world. It would seem very strange if we could not do that any more. We each have a television and can watch, say, a golf tournament taking place at the other side of the world. We watch in real time, seeing the result of each stroke almost as soon as the golfer does himself. Even suggesting that such a thing was possible might have got you burnt at the stake for witchcraft, not all that long ago, but not having television would seem a very strange situation for us today. If we see a 350 ton metal Boeing 747 aircraft flying past, we would not think it to be strange in any way, let alone think it was “impossible”. It is routine, casual travel at 500 mph, a speed which would have been considered to be a fantasy when my father was young. The fact that the aircraft is so heavy, is of no concern to us as we know that it will fly, and does so, routinely, every day of the year. We take for granted, a computer which can do a million things in one second. Today, we have lost the understanding of how big “a million” is, and we know that most people are likely to lose a game of chess if they play against a computer, even a cheap chess computer. What we need to understand is that our present scientific knowledge is far from being comprehensive and there is still a very large amount to be learned, and that things which the average person today would consider “impossible” are quite liable to be casually routine day-to-day devices in just a few years time. This is not because we are stupid but instead it is because our current science still has a long way to go. The objective of this website is to explain some of the things which current science is not teaching at the present time. Ideally, we want a device which will power our homes and cars without the need to burn a fuel of any kind. Before you get the idea that this is some new and wild idea, please remember that windmills have been pumping water, milling grain, lifting heavy loads and generating electricity for a very long time now. Water wheels have been doing similar work for a very long time and both of these devices are fuel-less. The energy which powers windmills and water wheels comes to us via our Sun which heats air and water, causing wind and rain, feeding power to our devices. The energy flows in from our local environment, costs us nothing and will keep on coming whether we make use of it or not. Most of the pictures of wind generators and water wheels which you will see, show devices which would take a large amount of money to set up. The title of the main eBook on this website is “The Practical Guide to Free-Energy Devices” and the word “practical” is intended to indicate that most of the things spoken about are things which you, personally, have a reasonable chance of constructing for yourself if you decide to do so. However, while in chapter 14 there are instructions for building your own wind-powered electrical generator from scratch, pumping water uphill without using a fuel and utilising wave power at low cost, these things are subject to the weather. So, because of this, the main subject is the next generation of commercial devices, devices which do not need a fuel in order to function and power our homes and vehicles, devices which operate no matter what the weather is doing. Perhaps I should remark at this point, that the introduction of this new wave of hi-tech devices is being actively opposed by people who will lose a very large stream of revenue when it does eventually happen, as it most certainly will. For example, Shell BP which is a typical oil company, makes about US $3,000,000 profit per hour, every hour of every day of every year, and there are dozens of oil companies. The government makes even more than that out of the operation, with 85% of the sale price of oil being government tax. No matter what they say, (and they both do like to talk “green” in order to gain popularity), neither would ever for a single moment, consider allowing the introduction of fuel-less power devices, and they have the finance to oppose the new technology at every level. For example, some years ago MIT in the USA spent millions proving that on board fuel reformers would give us all better fuel economy and cleaner air. They did long-term testing on buses and cars to provide proof. They teamed up with the very large auto-parts supplier Arvin Meritor to put these new devices in production vehicles. Then “One Equity Partners” bought out Arvin Meritor’s division that did all the final work to get fuel reformers put into all new vehicles. They created a new company, EMCON Technologies, and that company dropped the fuel reformer from their product line, not because it did not work but because it did work. This is not “conspiracy theory” but a matter of public record. Some years ago, Stanley Meyer, a talented man living in the USA, found a very energy-efficient way of breaking water into a mixture of hydrogen gas and oxygen gas. He pushed on further and found that a vehicle engine could be run on quite a small amount of this “hydroxy” gas if it was mixed with air, water droplets and some of the exhaust gas coming from the engine. He got funding to allow him to start manufacturing retro-fit kits which would allow any car to run on water alone and not use fossil fuel at all. You can imagine how popular that would have been with the oil companies and the government. Just after getting his funding, Stan was eating a meal at a restaurant when he jumped up, said “I’ve been poisoned !”, rushed out into the car park and died on the spot. If Stan was mistaken, and he died of ‘natural causes’, then it was remarkably convenient timing for the oil companies and the government, and his retro-fit kit was never manufacture red. Even though Stan left behind many patents on the subject, until recently nobody managed to replicate his very low-power electrolyser, when Dave Lawton achieved it feat and many people have since managed it by following Dave’s instructions. More difficult still is getting an engine to run on no fossil fuel as Stan did, but recently, three men in the UK achieved just that by getting a standard petrol-engined electrical generator to run with water as the only fuel. Interestingly, this is not something which they want to pursue as they have other areas which are of much more interest to them. Consequently, they have no objections to sharing the practical information on what they did and the details are in chapter 10 of the eBook. In very brief outline, they took a standard 5.5 kilowatt generator and delayed the spark timing by some eleven degrees, avoided the ‘waste’ spark and fed the engine a mix of air, water droplets and just a small amount (measured at three litres per minute) of hydroxy gas. They test-loaded the generator with four kilowatts of electrical equipment to confirm that it worked well under load, and then moved on to larger engines. And the general arrangement for running it without petrol is shown in outline here, the full details being in chapter 10 of the eBook, including how to make your own high-performance electrolyser: Conventional science says that it can prove mathematically that it is quite impossible to do this. However, the calculation is massively flawed in that is not based on what is actually happening and worse still, it makes initial assumptions which are just plain wrong. Even if we were not aware of these calculations, the fact that it has been done is quite enough to show that the current engineering theory is out of date and needs to be upgraded. Now, let us consider a device built by John Bedini, a very talented man in the USA. He built a battery-powered motor with a flywheel on the shaft of the motor. This, of course, does not sound like startling stuff, but the crunch is that this motor ran in his workshop for more than three years, keeping it’s battery fully charged during that time – now that is startling. The arrangement is like this: What makes this arrangement different from a standard set-up is that the battery powered motor is not connected directly to the battery but instead is fed with a rapid series of DC pulses. This has two effects. Firstly, that method of driving a motor is very efficient electrically speaking and secondly, when a flywheel is driven with a series of pulses, it picks up additional energy from the local environment. One other unusual feature is the way that the motor shaft spins a disc with permanent magnets mounted on it. These sweep past a matching set of coils attached to a stationary board, forming an ordinary electrical generator and the resulting electrical power which is generated is converted to DC current and fed back to the driving battery, charging it and maintaining its voltage. Standard theory says that a system like this has to be less than 100% efficient because the DC motor is less than 100% efficient (true) and the battery is well below the 100% efficient mark (true). Therefore, the conclusion is that the system cannot possibly work (false). What is not understood by conventional science is that the pulsed flywheel draws in additional energy from the local environment, showing that conventional science theory is inadequate and out of date and needs to be upgraded. An American called Jim Watson built a much larger version of John’s system, a version which was twenty feet (6 meters) long. Jim’s version not only powered itself, but generated 12 kilowatts of excess electrical power. That extra 12 kilowatts of power must be a considerable embarrassment for conventional science and so they will either ignore it, or deny that it ever existed, in spite of the fact that it was demonstrated at a public seminar. This is what Jim’s device looked like: Loveworth Aymhans.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 11:38:44 +0000

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