The Be Still Series (2) For children and the children at - TopicsExpress


The Be Still Series (2) For children and the children at heart Now that you have seen how it all began, (see post below) let me tell you how you can expect things to come to an end. The four horseman. (Revelation 6) (Well first, the 5+ if you want to count hell, and secondly they are not men, but more like wraiths or spirits!) I am a warrior; I fight not what is seen But the prince of the power of the air: one who is clever with lies! My foe cannot touch me for greater is He that is in me. When they affect a person, I must not fight people, but the bad spirit that is in/on them. I overcome by the blood of the lamb and the good testimony my words have. 6,000+ years ago, (The genealogies + 12 years for Adam and Eve to loose their innocence) there is a lamb. He is a lamb because he is pure and obedient - even to death. In the last story, he was called the Word. We know him by Jesus. From the laying of the foundation of the world, the lamb began to walk straight to his death. 4,000 years for the time of the iniquity of man to be complete: the lamb walked to the top of the place of the skull. There, I, you, they all, were deceived by our own desire of what we thought was right to allow the lamb to fulfill his destiny. He died that we all may live free from evil shadow and in his pure light. In his death, the lamb wrought glorious victory: you see death could not contain the spotless lamb. He spent his 3 days where hell is: in the middle of the earth! There he faced off the one who was once the high anointed cherub that covered (Ezekiel 28) First he told told him: I bore the crown of thorns and I wore the royal robe and I was lifted up before all as the rightful King of the Jews; and he took the crown that the devil wore. You have no right to appear like me to deceive others with my glory. Then he told him: Through all my temptations and trials, I never lashed out once, but was always able to help others. I alone am the prince of peace, and he took the keys of the grave from the devil. You are not allowed to take peace from the world causing people to kill themselves and others in utter hopelessness. People can now make the free choice to run boldly to my throne with no condemnation. Finally he said: I died so all can live. All who love and obey my words can have the blessing of heaven on earth. (Deut 11:21) All who choose me, you can no longer touch. In fact, you no longer have any authority. You can only speak. You dont look good. You dont feel good. And you cant touch any of my creation, and the lamb took the keys of death and hell from the devil. And so, for nearly 2,000 years, the temple veil was torn down for people to freely enter into close intimacy with the Lamb. The Holy Spirit reined in our hearts leading us into what is true and giving us peace that we belonged to the Lamb. Everything that Jesus, the Lamb did, we had the power to do also, until finally in 1948 Israel was able to be a country again and with satellites, the gospel was able to be preached a few years after that to the whole world... (Jesus says that his people will be taken out of great testing, but when he comes back for us, we will be a perfect bride ready for him. We may not go through the fiery furnace like Daniels 3 friends or the last 7 plagues when God made the distinction between Israel and Egypt, but Daniel did get tested for 10 days and he was found to have the spirit of God on him, and the children of Israel did have the spirit of deception (serpent), (on Pharaohs magicians that Mosess rod swallowed up) the blood red water where it was like digging their own graves just to drink, Imagine the leanness in peoples hearts as they stacked up piles of dead frogs after that. Finally, all the dust of the land became lice and even Pharaohs magicians could see that this had to be the finger of God.) ...Meanwhile, up in ancient scroll was found sealed with seven seals. We get to watch: Who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose its seals? No one. But then, a lion who is a lamb with seven horns and seven eyes steps forward. The devil shrinks back seeking darkness to hide behind, but there is none. He bows along with his followers unable to look up. The Lamb takes the scroll and loosens the first seal that holds it shut. (The scroll is the great tribulation that is to judge all those that do not believe in God and lead them into the final battle against him.) 1. There is a loud thunder of powerful hooves coming our way. As we look from the edge of heaven we see a white horse that has been loosed. The devil slinks from the throne room and pulls his bow back gleefully happy to be leaving and receiving his power back. My crown! He motions with his hand and head downward in a mock kingly bow. We see a white horse that looks just like the one we know belongs to our lamb. The devil slings himself upon it barely allowing it to stop and charges to the earth. Perhaps it was 1914 when the Jehovah Witnesses are determined to believe Jesus came back. Maybe a little sooner or later, but there is a powerful spirit in this world that has the authority to speak like he is Jesus. He already had a bow which sounds a lot like the devil who is really good at hunting down prey with his words. Either way, he comes from the throne and eventually possesses the anti-Christ who comes from the earth later. (Ezekiel 28) If you read Matthew 24, you see Jesus first sign of the end of the world is people saying they are Christ when they are not. Many, many people are deceived, not even knowing right from wrong. Jesus warns us not to look for signs and look around for satisfaction in the world. Jesus is the only sign we need. When we see him, we will know him. He gives us the Holy Spirit so we can know that we are his and be satisfied by spending time with him in prayer all the time. This spirit deceives everyone who is not saved and even tries to deceive those who are. He cant win if we are spending time with God in prayer (which is including God in every part of our day.) When we do this, we will be satisfied in God alone and not need the deception the devil offers us. 2. When the lamb opens the second seal it falls silently to the ground beside him drowned out by the thunderous hooves of this time a bloody red horse. The follower of the devil leaps upon it as it races past us. To look at it is like to put on Frodos ring and stare the wraiths in the face and be sucked into the grave with them. A great sword is given the spirit along with the authority to take peace from the earth resulting in massive killings. Right before 1914, there were lots of peace treaties. Jesus warned us that his peace is different from the peace the world offers. The anti-Christ by peace will destroy many. How WWI started was people felt obligated to join in other peoples squabbles because they had agreed to take their side no matter the argument. The way this spirit gets people to kill each other is he starts with rumors whispered in peoples ears. (Matthew 24) People who dont have the peace of God in their hearts will listen to what it says to them. If we keep our mind on Jesus because we trust in him, He will keep us in perfect peace, (Isa 26:3) and if we turn all of our anxious thoughts over to God with thanksgiving, the peace of God will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:6-7) Rebuild the temple! Go gather the supplies. 7 years after 1948 + 62 years equals 2017 (Daniel 9:25) The generation that was alive in 1914 will not die before Jesus comes back for his people. Around 1914 there was a Jubilee. Seven Shemitahs (Jewish year week with last year for resting) or one Jubilee later (50 years), Israel is already a nation. Add Seven more Shemitahs to that and we get 2015-2016 then a year of Jubilee. The Jewish calender is what God goes by and is important to God. (50 + 50 = 10 decades of testing) 3. This horse didnt seem to have any movement to him. You just looked and he was there with no warning. He had a pair of balances in his hand and looked like the death angel of the Lamb who gathers up the dead to be judged. He and his horse were as black as night. He was the same who passed over the doors of Israel to not kill the firstborn when he saw the blood. Do not harm those who have my blood in them and are baptized with my Holy Spirit. The horse faded and as I looked down there was a huge pillar of black smoke coming from the earth after a terrible explosion. (This spirit is not given anything, only direction because it comes from God.) When we do not respect the tabernacle of God (our bodies) to allow him to dwell in us, he sends leanness to our souls instead. (Haggai 1) 9-11-2001 happened around a Jewish holiday Sabbath where the Jews (us all) were asked to fast on a day called atonement. People may have been interested for a moment to go to church, but churches were soon left with an empty feeling. America went under siege where God would be starved out of Schools and all public life. People around the world would work so hard only just to pay the bills, because of the spirit of famine that had been unleashed upon them. The way we beat the spirit of famine is to gratefully give. (of ourselves to him and to where he tells us) The oil and the wine are not to be hurt, (us) so we should share the message we have happily in word and in action. (We rejoice in His presence because we trust him to work everything out for our good.) 4. A hollow galloping sound of an un-dead army comes our way; the ashen horse of death whinnies and rears impatient to charge as the warm breath of its nostrils creates steam against the cold air that surrounds it. Behind it the forces of hell nod their readiness. To them were given the limited authority to continue killing until 1/4 of the earth had been swallowed by them (in four years time-I think!) In 2011 we had a very strange turn of events starting the end of January 2010. Large groups of animals began showing up dead all over the world. This is the spirit of Pestilence (Matthew 24) or Death and Hell. The Lamb still holds the keys to Hell Death and the Grave, but he has allowed the devil to have his authority that he died to take from him in a limited way. That is why only the Lamb could open the scroll because he is the one who shed his blood to take that authority and give it. (All authority in heaven and earth has been given the Lamb who God is well pleased with.) We cant stop pestilence from killing 1/4 of the world, but we can command it not to come near our dwelling places by speaking in line with the word of God/ Gods will for us. People have been able to speak to tornadoes and they have skipped over their houses for example. God tells us to put on his armor in Ephesians so we can combat against the whiles of the enemy the devil. So, to beat the 4+ horsemen (spirits) we must be looking to Jesus and listening to Jesus. (We should set our will free to allow him to have his way in us.) We cannot forget all that he has done for us and promises to us and so should rejoice in his presence and freely give. (The widow of Elisha found the end to her famine when she gave her all. oil and risk death of her only son) Last, we have to have the word of God become powerful in us and have our faith strong in God to pray against pestilence. Remember there is strength in numbers, so choose friends who can build you up in the faith and agree with you in prayer. Also pray that God keeps you from persecution, and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We have the number 4 to represent our testing to see if we are pure for the Lamb. The next 3 seals are for us (good news) that have yet to take place. 5. There are people being killed because they believe in God. These people are so pure they will not deny God even when they have to die for him. Just like Abel was killed for his pure sacrifice, and a seal was put on Cain so no one would kill him, the Lamb will take the pure sacrifices of his little lambs to seal the 144,000. No one will be able to kill these Jewish witnesses of his throughout the Great Tribulation. (Not even one hair from their head like Daniels 3 friends) This will probably take place close to the end of the Jewish year like the day of atonement when full atonement would be made and the table turns. 6. When the moon turns to blood, probably after the fourth time in a row, the sun will also become dark. There will be an earthquake so great, volcanoes will break open. Even the stars of heaven will fall down. Just like Pharaohs magicians realized the hand of God when they could not duplicate the lice, the people of the earth will run to the mountains and rocks hoping to be killed by them recognizing that the great day of his wrath has finally arrived. Beware that you are not like Pharaoh who felt he was in control as God slowly heated up the pot. (First they only asked to sacrifice to God, not leave Egypt.) Pharaoh thought he was in control, and so he hardened his own heart. You cannot wait until you are older thinking then you have the chance to serve God and change your ways. After the lice, God hardened Pharaohs heart so that he would not repent. As soon as the Great Tribulation starts, instead of Gods Holy Spirit, there will be an evil spirit so that people wont be able to be saved. At the end even stubborn Pharaoh has to admit that Jesus is Lord of Lords and King of Kings (and Pharaohs) but it is too late. His whole army drowns in the sea. You should also know that before the 5th and 6th seals there will be a later rain of Gods Spirit. I think that on Pentecost this year marked the later rain. (comes in the first month and even though the former had already come in Joel 2 says the former and latter will still come) The latter rain will be so great that for all those that already have the Holy Spirit from the former rain, God will fill their stubborn old men, their children under 12 (maybe 12 too) and the teens that were too distracted with his Spirit - that way their whole families could come with them in the rapture who would have gotten saved say on their death beds. (Even if the lamb is too much for you, go share him with your neighbor as well before the door closes on Passover leading up to Pentecost (50 days)) Jesus will call us to him like the voice of a great trumpet sounding and we will meet him in the clouds. The world may just hear thunder like when Moses received the 10 commandments. Everyone else was scared, but Moses was not. He knew the voice of God personally. The Lamb says that his sheep know his voice as well. Make sure that you are ready and watching. Be still each day to listen to what God whats to teach you. Now in heaven we see the great crowd that has come out of great testing: us. We are given white robes and palm branches. (Just like the children who ran through Jerusalem saying Hosanna to the son of David, when Jesus rode in on a donkey.) This reminds me a lot of the Jewish holiday of Tabernacles that is right after Atonement. There are 4 very important holidays that we should always celebrate and those are Passover, Pentecost, Atonement and Tabernacles. The Lamb will feed us, (a seven year feast of Jubilee) give us living water to drink, and wipe every tear from our eyes. 7. For the seventh seal, all of our prays that we ever have prayed are offered up on the altar of God. I like to think that it is our prayers that cause the 7 trumpets of Judgment that follow to sound. The only one we have to fear in all this is the Lamb if we are not right with him. He alone has all authority, even to cast us into hell. Also he alone can protect us when we ask him to, so the only thing we have to fear is not obeying what he asks us to do! :) https://youtube/watch?v=ENtL_li4GbE&index=27&list=RDQvLxZEU02uI
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 23:30:54 +0000

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