The Beauty and the Beast “Watch and pray, that ye enter not - TopicsExpress


The Beauty and the Beast “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. “Matthew 26:41 (KJV) Our spirit man is beautiful. With it we serve the Lord and others. Our flesh, on the other hand, is a beast and with it we serve ourselves. In a world where many are living yielded to the weaknesses of the flesh, only those who are walking in the strength of Christ are standing out in the world. It takes strength to love, strength to be patient, strength to forgive, strength to stay when everything is telling you to leave, strength to live holy, strength to let go of the past and move forward. Only in Christ are we made incredibly strong over the flesh. Obedience to God’s will can be difficult, and if you are not watchful and prayerful, you will give in to the weaknesses of your flesh. Maintaining a growing relationship with God through prayer and feeding on His Word will strengthen the beautiful spirit within you and will help you dominate over the beast of your Prayer: Father God, my flesh is pitiful and weak. Thank You for making me strong in Christ. I receive the strength You have provided. Help me to be an example of Your strength. In Jesus’
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 18:50:14 +0000

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