The Beginning Of The End Of Precious Metals Manipulation: The - TopicsExpress


The Beginning Of The End Of Precious Metals Manipulation: The London Silver Fix Is Officially Dead | Zero Hedge. 12.08.14. (Posted & compiled by Rique Seraphico). Source Link: lightworker29501/2014/08/12/the-beginning-of-the-end-of-precious-metals-manipulation-the-london-silver-fix-is-officially-dead-zero-hedge/ (Link: Our New World). Following a crackdown on precious metal manipulation by various European regulators (mostly Germany’s BaFin, recall “Precious Metals Manipulation Worse Than Libor Scandal, German Regulator Says”), which led to the shocking outcome that Deutsche Bank would pull out of the London gold and silver fixing committees, the London Silver Market Fixing company ended up with a most curious outcome: it would have just two members: HSBC and Bank of Nova Scotia. And, as an even more shocking result, overnight the London Silver Fix announced that after August 14, 2014 it will no longer exist – the first of many victories for all those who have fought for fair and unmanipulated precious metal markets. From the press release: The London Silver Market Fixing Limited (the ‘Company’) announces that it will cease to administer the London Silver Fixing with effect from close of business on 14 August 2014. Until then, Deutsche Bank AG, HSBC Bank USA N.A. and The Bank of Nova Scotia will remain members of the Company and the Company will administer the London Silver Fixing and continue to liaise with the FCA and other stakeholders. The period to 14 August 2014 will provide an opportunity for market-led adjustment with consultation between clients and market participants. The London Bullion Market Association has expressed its willingness to assist with discussions among market participants with a view to exploring whether the market wishes to develop an alternative to the London Silver Fixing. _______________________________ News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday Morning - 08/12/2014. Stage3Alpha: Serendipity August 12, 2014 at 4:25am What does everyone think about this comment on Dinar Detectives? It was a reply to Jesters post. Supposedly some gold/silver seller is claiming that the FED is done on the 14th. The comment is below. Aug 14th is when Deuches banks 55 trillion in derivatives goes belly up and starts the 200 plus trillion derivatives market crash because of the US freezing of Deuchess financials due to a so called penalty the US is imposing on them. This is the manufactured crash the Cabal lets loose every time they starts losing control or is about to be found out. Like 9/10/2001 when Rumsfeld made an announcement we lost 2.2 trillion (besides many other planned outcomes) and we dont have a clue where it went. Then 9/11 hit. All news changed and the new world we live it raised out of the ruins. Aug 14 is the trigger. .... Herple Derple > Serendipity August 12, 2014 at 6:22am Jim Willie gives an excellent run down of the state of our economy and the role derivatives play. Its not pretty. youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=0M5IkppQN48#t=0 ****** geturcluehere > Serendipity August 12, 2014 at 5:58am It may be just a coincidence but the London Fix thru the City of London (Rothschilds) on gold is to be terminated on the 14th of August.Three or four men have sat in a small room every morning, five days a week for over 100 years and have determined the spot price of gold. Now thats power! Im not clear on the mechanics of this action or what it portends, however, you have to think that our controllers who have been manipulating and dictating to the world for over a century or more what it is that we are expected to pay for certain commodities to suddenly allow it to float in order to find a level and establish a price could spell disaster for the unprepared. Buy, sell; who the heck knows? Is there a connection to the GCR and could this be THE manufactured event needed to create sufficient cover for the installation of a new financial system? All hell just may break loose while PMs but especially gold may soar. Its conjecture and pure speculation on my part as I really dont know for sure. ****** Chicago > Serendipity August 12, 2014 at 5:15am This sounds RIGHT ON to me, except that the amount of derivatives is OVER a QUADRILLION (close to 2, I hear) not I guess I have to question the posters knowledge. Ive been expecting the crash to come from Deutsche Bank- and its nice to SEE a date on it, sure hope so! And, its not the cabal - but rather the Good Guys/White Knights....who have had control over this for quite a long time now. Theyve just been waiting for the right time, when they have everything in place and set to go! Then, we will see everything roll out....after. The RV, GCR, PPs... And...the Announcements! ****** Debbie-Lane:Boskofsky > Chicago August 12, 2014 at 6:00am That is exactly what I have heard also! Herple Derple > Serendipity August 12, 2014 at 4:57am The GCR is supposed to keep a massive crash from happening. It is my understanding that the only thing that keeps the ponzi scheme of an economy the us has afloat is the derivatives. So the GCR should happen before this happens. Donna Skinner > Herple Derple August 12, 2014 at 7:17am - I propose that the two events will happen almost instantaneously. They might let it crash for the purpose of letting the US people know that there is no other choice but to change the system....but immediately after, install the new system. this way, the common person wouldnt be hurt...maybe??? Donna Skinner > Donna Skinner August 12, 2014 at 7:34am - I heard a Cobra interview a while back and he made the remark that the last possible moment for the Event was at the time of the crash…Perhaps Obamas last speech yesterday was a signal to pop the diritive bubble.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 04:49:45 +0000

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