The Believers Race Know we are surrounded, by so great a cloud - TopicsExpress


The Believers Race Know we are surrounded, by so great a cloud of Witnesses What They now know, the Love of The Creator of the Ages Let us run with endurance, The Race that is set before us Laying aside each burden, and the sin which quickly traps us Looking to the Author and Finisher of our Faith, Jesus As Believers, these words must resonate within each of us Jesus Christ, endured The Cross, and hostility from sinners We cannot know His pain, but we can each finish as winners We’re reminded, not to despise the chastening of The Lord And not to be discouraged, when we are rebuked by The Lord For whom The Lord loves, He chastens, and He scourges every Son Know, when you endure chastening, God deals with you as a Son For what son is there, whom a loving father does not chasten Our loving Father, God, will chasten each of us like a son Our human fathers corrected us, and we gave them respect What The Lord does for our profit, by it, we have learned respect Now no chastening seems to be joyful, but painful guidance That we may be partakers of His Holiness, His Presence Afterward it will yield, The Peaceable Fruit of Righteousness To All of those who have been trained by it, will earn Righteousness This Race is not a sprint, but a Lifelong marathon you see We must pace ourselves, with endurance, to finish faithfully With God given challenges, and stumbles of our own making One day, The Lord God shall reveal, the meaning of everything In the presence of Jesus Christ, and The Lord God Almighty The mysteries of the Universe, revealed for All to see ©Stan Arney
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 22:04:57 +0000

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