The Believers’ LoveWorld International Pastors’ and - TopicsExpress


The Believers’ LoveWorld International Pastors’ and Partners’ Conference, IPPC, is here again. The annual IPPC is always a time of refreshing, impartation, and celebration. This year, IPPC is scheduled to hold from November 18th to 24th 2013 at the LoveWorld Convocation Arena (LCA) Lagos, Nigera, and all Partners from around the world will gather at the feet of our Man of God, Rev Chris Oyakhilome PhD, to receive an uncommon unction that will fire and inspire them to do more for the Kingdom of God. At IPPC 2012, our Man of God introduced the BLW Blue Partner, and all Partners invited to the prestigious LCA were awarded a Blue Partner Medal. What an honour to be recognised in this category of ardent Kingdom Financiers, with a medal symbolizing our addiction to propagating the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The unrelenting efforts of our top 100 Gold and Silver Partners expanded the work of the Ministry in no small measure, and the prestigious induction of our first ever Platinum Partners was indicative of the unparalleled contributions made in taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth. IPPC 2013 will be another grand celebration of partnership as we salute our Blue Partners at the LCA in November. And from our Blue Partners will emerge our Silver Partners and our Gold Partners. Then of course the ultimate, the Platinum Partners… Which medal(s) will be yours at IPPC 2013? You know, God delights in and is unwilling to do without a Partner. 2 Corinthians 9:7b says: “God loves, takes pleasure in, prizes above everything and is unwilling to do without a cheerful, joyous, prompt to do it giver, whose heart is in his giving”. (AMP) Your partnership is an investment that guarantees returns not only in figures, but in every area of your life; and it determines your level of authority and relevance in the Kingdom of Heaven. As you partner with our Man of God in taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth, you’re laying up gold where no moth or rust can destroy it. Take advantage of the grace upon our Ministry to grow your partnership at this time, and book your space at the IPPC 2013. The grace for giving is available, and your capacity is increased as you give. 2 Corinthians 9: 8 says: “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work: (As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad; he hath given to the poor: his righteousness remaineth for ever. Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness;)” Remember, our walk with the Lord is spiritual, and as we commune with the Holy Spirit at IPPC 2013, holding live at the LoveWorld Convocation Arena Lagos Nigeria, your passion for the work shall be deepened; you will be watered, refreshed with God’s ideas and strategies; energized and positioned for greater glory in the coming year. You’ve got to be there! God bless you.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 16:17:23 +0000

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