The Benefits of Compromise He who knows when he can fight and - TopicsExpress


The Benefits of Compromise He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot will be victorious - Sun Tzu As humans we are wired to always get our own way and it’s great when we do; but always wanting to do that can really end up backfiring, because in the end you are more likely to end up arguing with others and getting nowhere at all. Being able to compromise makes our lives and relationships both at work and home become less stressful, even though it seems challenging to implement. If you want to be able to compromise and let yourself see things from someone else’s point of view you will be able to get the best results for both yourself and the other person. Here are some of the benefits of compromising, and tips for finding the middle ground. 1. Advances the greater good - Making reasonable concessions paves the way for finding solutions to conflicting opinions with regard to certain issues – remember you are not in control of the situation or the way others may react to it 2. Facilitates cooperation – Teamwork increases when there is trust and respect present. Demonstrating commitment to the common good makes it easier to work together both at work and at home 3. It strengthens relationships – This aspect is far more valuable than always having to be right – Accepting that you do not always have the best solutions or being right all the time increases the relationship 4. You feel happier – The way we feel depends more on how we see a situation than the situation itself. As you practice being able to accommodate others you will find that you become more flexible and accepting of yourself How do we make constructive compromises? 1. Uphold your core values and ethics – Remember to keep your own integrity and core values intact. Be respectful in your communication but set healthy boundaries and do not compromise on issues that go completely against your values 2. Consider all the options – Everyone attaches different values to the same things - if the person has alternative views on the issue – keep an open mind and negotiate something that is acceptable to both parties 3. Stick to your word – Always think carefully before making a compromise so that you will feel comfortable living with it. Taking your time and working through things is better than making a hurried decision and then regretting your decision 4. Take accountability for the decision – Assume responsibility and accept the choices you have made – this will help you to avoid resentments at a later date It’s not always rainbows and butterflies – It’s compromise that moves us along
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 12:43:48 +0000

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