The Best Gift In Life Is The Gift Of Family Psalm 68:6- God - TopicsExpress


The Best Gift In Life Is The Gift Of Family Psalm 68:6- God setteth the solitary in families.... Who snored like that during the night?, my mum asked as she set eyes on my wife and I this morning. My wife pointed at me and wondered how my mum heard from our room to hers. My mum responded as she addressed my wife, O ku ise (well done). I couldnt have coped with someone who snored like that. Before they made me the subject of another female talk, I dashed out of the house. I dont know when snoring became an issue where a national conference had to be called. A few hours later, I was driving with my dad seated beside me and naturally we gravitated towards politics. Lets take a bet- Buhari will win, my dad said. Trust me: by the time I finished my part of the debate, my father became an apostle of Goodluck. He confessed he didnt see so many things the way I outlined them until now. So we got home and he put on disposable gloves. It was time to check my blood sugar. Hope youve not eaten today?, he asked. He pricked my finger and held the blood stain against a glucometer strip. Error came out the result. He pricked me the second time because the blood didnt flow very well. How well do you drink water?, he asked. My wife responded that I dont drink water very well as my urine is yellowish at times. She joined to hold my finger because I had started wincing. The result was the same- error. My finger got a third prick. And the test result came out finally. Then started the lecture. I was forced to listen as he spoke about Glycemic Index. He said I shouldnt eat more than one apple a day. He told me too much carrots was not good for the heart. He told me I had to take oranges cautiously and avoid pineapple and watermelon. He said cucumber was the best vegetable for the body. I offered him Ceres Grape Juice noting that it didnt have sugar. He laughed and said no juice on earth is without sugar. He asked if I normally take multivitamins. He promised to give me some multivitamins and one acupuncture pyramid that I can walk on every morning. Of course, he flowed with my wife as they spoke about blood pressure and other medical jargons. I just kept on punching at my ipad. I wondered why he did engineering and not medical sciences. I remember a few days ago when a colleague gave me a live turkey. My daughter was so excited seeing it that she kept vigil over the turkey. A day before we sent it to the world beyond, my daughter called out for me excitedly, Daddy, turkey has poo-pooed. Come and wash the bum bum. Inwardly, I was excited today watching my dad as he ate his beloved Amala and ewedu soup at the dining table. My mum as usual was getting into everyones way. I was excited to have my brother and his wife around also. I was happy to have my big Aunty in the house. Now, I understand the happiness that a family brings. Im grateful to God for my family and I understand that the best gift of life is the gift of family. Its been an exciting holiday for me. Happy Boxing Day to you all!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 21:05:51 +0000

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