The Best Reason and Motivation for Weight Loss You may have - TopicsExpress


The Best Reason and Motivation for Weight Loss You may have just 10 more pounds to lose, or you may have 100 or more. The amount of weight loss you are trying to achieve is not as important as your motivation. As with many things that lead to success, the “why” is often just as important as the “how”. Why is this? You may wonder. The answer is that when you have a compelling “why” then that will motivate you and keep you on track when things get tough. This is true with weight loss as well as other areas of your life. The top reasons that people want to lost weight include: I want to be healthy for my family I want to fit into my dress for my wedding, reunion, special occasion I want to feel energized I’m sick and tired of feeling sick and tired I want to buy a whole new wardrobe I want to control my diabetes, heart disease, etc I want to add quality years to my life So what is your reason? The first thing you should do when you begin a weight loss plan is to describe what your motivation is. You can write this down and post it so that you can see it everyday. Also, envision what your new life will look like when you reach your desired weight and size. Cut out pictures that represent your new life and make a storyboard. This is a story of your future, so dream big. Maybe you can see yourself travelling to the Mayan ruins and climbing to the top of a pyramid. Perhaps you see yourself riding a bike along the coastline. Maybe you see yourself playing with your kids at the park rather than sitting on a park bench and watching. Is there a certain dress or suit that you want to wear – cut out a picture and put it on your board. Picture yourself in perfect health. Believe it, see it, and then do it. There are many ways to jumpstart your weight loss efforts. Find a plan and lifestyle that works for you and commit to following it for 90 days. After those first 90 days, evaluate your progress, make adjustments, and then make a commitment for the next 90 days. Step by step, month by month, you new weight loss lifestyle can happen. What are you waiting for? Lori Pinkerton has made a career out of her passion—helping every woman, no matter who they are, create irresistible connections on their dates and ultimately find the love of their life—just like she did.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 22:40:17 +0000

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