The Bible -Old and New Testament is the only TRUE book, the only - TopicsExpress


The Bible -Old and New Testament is the only TRUE book, the only book that tells you THE TRUTH. All else is a deception and a falsehood that brainwashes people. Beware what you read and to what you expose yourself and your kids! The world is very enticing, sin is very pleasurable, just like the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden! This age is coming to an end soon, and you need to KNOW THE TRUTH of GOD our Maker and Savior so that you wont be deceived. All media and entertainment is the devils advocate and deception. Stick closer than anything to the Lord Jesus Christ the crucified and resurrected Son of God, the only one who can SAVE you from sins judgment and hell, and from the Great Tribulation or new-world-order that is to come!!! The Jewish Messiah who died on the Cross for our sins and rose from the dead for our justification... HE IS THE ONLY TRUTH who will get you to heaven. All other messiahs that are to come are false messiahs, and the big one will be the Anti-Messiah, a charismatic world leader who will deceive the whole world with false peace and with a new-world-order. He is coming BEFORE the TRUE MESSIAH OF GOD returns to rule the earth, before Jesus Christ the Lamb of God and Lion of the Tribe of Judah who is the crucified and resurrected SON OF GOD OR GOD INCARNATE returns to reign in righteousness!
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 01:22:12 +0000

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