The Bible Speaks… Daily Instruction for Real Living August 6, - TopicsExpress


The Bible Speaks… Daily Instruction for Real Living August 6, 2013 Do you feel the pain of rejection? Jesus did. Scripture says that Jesus was despised and rejected – a man of sorrows, acquainted with bitterest grief yet he freely gave his life to us. He understands and sympathizes with our pain because he experienced the pain of rejection by the people he loved – including from us. He even feels our rejection when we turn our backs to him and look to the world system for comfort. He stands like a forsaken lover rejected by us. He watches as we spend time with depression, self-rejection, low self-esteem, pride, fornication, gluttony, and drug abuse among other things. He died for us so that we could receive mercy and grace for the areas in our life where we feel the pain of rejection. Today, heavenly Father, we thank you for loving us in spite of our rejecting you and ourselves. Today we declare that you are our Light and our Salvation – whom shall we fear or dread? Lord, you are the Refuge and Stronghold of our lives – of whom shall we be afraid (Ps. 27:1 AMP). We recognize that man’s judgment is temporal but your Word is eternal. Father, we are zealous to live in your truth recognizing that your Word is truth. We come out of agreement with a spirit of rejection and the spirit of offense that is often its companion and we walk in the freedom that Jesus died to give us. John 8:36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 11:56:13 +0000

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