The Bible contradicts itself & Christianity is on the decline - TopicsExpress


The Bible contradicts itself & Christianity is on the decline : Most of these claims are blatantly spurious. We must recognize, however, that truth is complex. We was told early in our schooling that water conducts electricity. ‘That’s why,’ declared our teacher, ‘you should be careful about water on laundry floors.’ Years later we was taught that water does not conduct electricity, it is only the impurities in water that allow conduction. Still later we learnt that water does conduct electricity, it is just that it does not conduct it very much. Truth is indeed complex, and in the Bible God has entrusted us with spiritual truth in all its complexity. Christianity is on the decline In 1430 one in 99 of the world’s population were Christians. In 1790 one in 49 In 1940 one in 32 In 1970 one in 19 In 1980 one in 16 In 1983 one in 13 In 1986 one in 11 In 1994 one in 10 In the period 1934-1994, the number of Christians in the world increased by 1300 percent (from 40 million to 540 million in the last 60 years), while the world’s population grew only 400 percent. Reference The statistics in the previous page are from The Lausanne Statistics Task Force, cited in Grant R. Jeffrey Final Warning, Harvest House publishers, Eugene, Oregon, 1996, pages. 251-254. another edition of this book (probably the British edition) in which the relevant section is on pages 168-170.) From another source: International Daily News Bulletin No.245 [Original Source: Friday Fax]
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 17:08:05 +0000

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