The Bible is a message system: its not simply 66 books penned by - TopicsExpress


The Bible is a message system: its not simply 66 books penned by 40 authors over thousands of years, the Bible is an integrated whole which bears evidence of supernatural engineering in every detail. The Jewish rabbis have a quaint way of expressing this very idea: they say that they will not understand the Scriptures until the Messiah comes. But when He comes, He will not only interpret each of the passages for us, He will interpret the very words; He will even interpret the very letters themselves; in fact, He will even interpret the spaces between the letters! Matthew 5:17 and 18: Think not that I have come to destroy the Torah and the prophets; I have not come to destroy but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. (A jot and tittle are the Hebrew equivalent of our dotting an i and the crossing of a t.) Hebrew English Adam Man Seth Appointed Enosh Mortal Kenan Sorrow; Mahalalel The Blessed God Jared Shall come down Enoch Teaching Methuselah His death shall bring Lamech The Despairing Noah Rest, or comfort. Thats rather remarkable: Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow; (but) the Blessed God shall come down teaching (that) His death shall bring (the) despairing rest. Heres the Gospel hidden within a genealogy in Genesis.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 15:55:36 +0000

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