The Bible is full of cause and effect. God responds based on what - TopicsExpress


The Bible is full of cause and effect. God responds based on what we as humans do. Adam and Eve sinned and ate the forbidden fruit, so God kicked them out of the garden. Cain chose to kill his brother, so God cursed him. Sarah laughed when God said she would become pregnant, so God made her mute for a time. Pharaoh hardened his heart, so God hardened his heart even more. The Israelites complained in the wilderness, so God did not let any of that generation enter the promise land. The Jews rejected God time and again and worshipped idols, so God had them sent into exile with the Babylonians. The Jew constantly rejected Gods prophets, so he cut part of the Jews off from the promise and grafted in us Gentiles. Im sure I could think of hundreds more. :) On the flip side when people were obedient to God they were rewarded. Abraham was willing to offer his son Isaac on the alter, so God credited it to him as righteousness. Joseph was faithful to God and patient even though he had to stay in prison for about 13 years, and God made him ruler over Egypt. What we do as humans does affect what God does. We put our faith in Jesus and believe that he is the only way and our name gets written into the book of life. Likewise, we may at some point in our walk, sadly, choose to no longer put our faith in Jesus, and God blots out our name from the book of life. Its not a convenient or happy belief by any means, but I think it is the truth and how God functions with us.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 17:05:11 +0000

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