The Bible is full of scriptures warning us against being deceived - TopicsExpress


The Bible is full of scriptures warning us against being deceived by strange doctrines and philosophies and reasonings of man. Its interesting to me that just like the Bible warned, Ive been seeing a lot of strange doctrines and human reasoning & philosophy on FB lately! Its getting so strange that I see people arguing over the simple truth of believing in Jesus for eternal life. It reminds me of Colossians 2:7-8: Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. Don’t let anyone deceive you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human reasoning and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ. Colossians 2:7-8 NLT Sounds like to me, if we want to know the truth about eternal life, rather than follow the teachings and reasonings of man, we can simply follow the teachings of Jesus. Like my friend, Shannan Orr, always says if you want to be right, agree with Jesus! So as for me, I will follow Jesus! I will agree with Him! I will believe what He says about receiving eternal life! This is what Jesus said: For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 The Gospel is pretty simple! It doesnt take human reasoning and philosophy to understand it! When it gets complicated and men start trying to get you to question this basic truth that Jesus taught us in John 3:16, you can be sure its not the Gospel! So If you want to be right when it comes to the truth about receiving eternal life, agree with Jesus! God loves the world so much that He gave His son so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but will have eternal life! How do I know thats the truth? Because Jesus said so and I believe Him!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 04:18:08 +0000

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