The Bible said this... The Quran said that... The Torah said - TopicsExpress


The Bible said this... The Quran said that... The Torah said this... The Bhagavad Gita said that... What do all these so called holy books have in common? They were all written by men and as such are all subject to human errors, exaggerations and lies. They are not scientific in any way and are instead full of opinions, not facts. They are all arbitrary, meaning that people interpret them differently making them even more inaccurate. They were all written in a time when superstition was the main belief and science was not yet developed. They are all based on ancient cult rituals & traditions most of which were adopted from even more ancient cults. So why in these modern times do these books still apply? Why havent people started thinking for themselves by using their own brains instead of just following these cult manuals like a bunch of heteronomous robots? Since when does a thinking person need an instruction manual on how to live especially when there is family and laws for that? Thousands of years have passed since some of these books were written and yet people still blindly follow these outdated teachings as if they were relevant today. Imagine going thousands of years into the future, to a time when there are flying vehicles, teleportation, warp speed etc, when fossil fuel has become obsolete and everything runs on more efficient clean energy such as electricity, solar power, wind energy etc, only to go digging for oil because that is what they use to do thousands of years ago. Now imagine medical procedures in the future where the scalpel was a thing of the past because they have developed nano machines and precision digital proton laser treatments and where stem cell research has been perfected to the point of regrowing linbs and regenerating bone & tissue, only to have someone pull out your decaying tooth with a pair of pliers because that is what they use to do in the good old days. This is exactly what is going on with religion. It is keeping back progress by stunting the minds of the population, making them believe that things that were once considered useful during a certain ancient era are still relevant in a completely different modern society. The time for kings and queens ruling over the land have passed. The times of ancient medicine such as bloodletting and lobotomies are over. The times of burning people at the stake for witchcraft and sorcery is no more. The time for rain dancing and reading the stars to predict the future is over. So why are you people still practicing ancient rituals in this modern age when the time for that has been long been over? You are simply keeping back progress, if anything you are actually starting to reverse it. Who knows, soon we may be back to the stone age the way things are going with all these religious lunatics trying to kill each other over whose ancient book is better. Sometimes I think that I was born in the wrong era. I was born quite too soon. Its a real shame that people havent evolved past religion as yet and Im afraid that this may lead to our very demise. I cant wait to see a world without religion. A world without people fighting over some feud that occurred thousands of years ago. A world where people actually think for themselves instead of being governed by some ancient book, cult rituals or traditions. A world where people do not profit from the gullibility of others beliefs. A world where people sincerely helped each other and are only obliged to help for the alternative purpose of spreading their religion by converting the less fortunate in exchange for food or aid. Sigh... Too bad I most likely would not be around to see it but I still hope that this will be the possible future.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 06:42:38 +0000

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