The Bible says God is almighty who answers all prayers. So how - TopicsExpress


The Bible says God is almighty who answers all prayers. So how do we know if God is real and answer prayers other than having a crap faith? One can take whatever happens and call it God. Suppose your your only child is driving from lagos to Abuja to see you; He got to Abuja safely; you thank God. He narrowly misses an accident; you thank God. He was involved in a minor accident that damaged only his car slightly. You thank God because it wasnt worse. He was involved in a serious accident to the extent the car was a write off; you thank God for sparing his life. He was involved in a accident which hes injured slightly; you thank God because hes okay. He was involved in a accident that crippled him for life; you thank God because hes alive. Hes involved in a fatal accident where he lost his life; you praise God, who giveth and taketh away. The funny things is that we all know how this works. If everything that happens is the will of God, then how is God ever verifiable? To me, the three possible answers to prayer are YES, NO or NOT NOW but whatever the outcome, religious people will always says its Gods will. The dillema is that I always get the same results which religious people get despite the fact that i dont pray at all. Another example is that most religious people believe that their God answers prayer. If someone has a terminal illness and dies, it was the will of their God. If they somehow survive, it becomes a miracle. Prayer works because people believe it works. In reality, the things prayed for have a 1/2 probability chance of being answered or not. But when someone believes if they pray for, say, a new job and they have to stay at the old job instead, they believe their prayers were answered nonetheless. I dont believe in prayer and also dont believe any prayers have ever been answered anywhere in the world. Show me some proof and I will change my mind. Of course, I have been saying this for years now and havent seen anything to change my mind. I dont expect anything to change because their would have to be a God to answer prayers, since there is no God/Gods anywhere answering any prayers why should i worry myself? Its beats me silly how religious people cant see this, its really unbelievable to me.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 06:25:09 +0000

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