The Bible tells us that there is a ‘time for everything’ - TopicsExpress


The Bible tells us that there is a ‘time for everything’ (Ecclesiastes 1:3). What are you going to do with the time given to you? In the third stage of its life, a caterpillar forms a chrysalis, and inside mushes all its body parts into gross bug goo. When it’s strong enough, it pushes its way out of the shell as a butterfly and uses its wings for the first time. Rush this process, try to help the butterfly out by opening the chrysalis early, and you’ll be releasing an underdeveloped bug hybrid with teeny wings. Also you’ll be killing it. We must be wise with our time. It’s tempting to take shortcuts. Even when you sense a chance to grow, don’t try to rush through everything. Play the long game. Put the slow work into character-forming and you’ll make something great out of your life. When life gives you lemons, it’s probably God; so you should probably make, like, a delicious lemon cake. All of the ingredients we get in our life are given to us by Him. Some learning experiences we choose, and others, both good and bad, are thrust upon us. The story of who you are is written in your scars as well as your good experiences. They’re not coincidences. God is crafting and making you. So don’t shrink back – make something wonderful of it all.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 11:55:45 +0000

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